7- Balance

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I'd had an early start to the morning, managing to wake and leave the Homestead before the Runners had left for their ritualistic exploration of the Maze. I sat on the grass and ate my breakfast whilst I watched them stand at the Maze doors, stretching and chatting. For such a perilous job, the boys seemed light hearted enough as they joked and messed around in the morning sun. Just before they ran through the gaps in the Maze walls, Minho waved in my general direction. My head spun behind me, sure that there must be another Glader somewhere in the distance that Minho was greeting, but I was alone in the field. I returned his wave hesitantly and could make out him shaking his head before leading the Runners away from safety.

I headed to the Medhut earlier than I needed to, but honestly I was desperate for something to do. In place of any kind of action, my mind seemed to spend every waking moment running through the many questions that remained unanswered. Of those many questions, ranging from where we were to how the hell were we supposed to escape, there was one that seemed louder than the other- the mystery of my identity. There was no point wondering about who I was before I came up in the Box. Unless I miraculously got my memories back, it was unlikely I'd ever know. That didn't stop the thought from ingraining itself deep in my consciousness, and I was aware of it constantly at the back of my mind as it searched desperately through my murky, forbidden memories in the hope of unlocking the answer.

Clint and Jeff seemed glad of my company, and set me the task of sorting through the new medical supplies that had come up with me in the Box two days previously. Sure, it wasn't the most exciting work, but it kept me busy and prevented my mind from straying back to the questions I felt sure would consume me sooner or later.

It was just before lunch when Gally stormed into the Medhut, gripping his wrist tenderly. Jeff and Clint, rather than rush forward and offer to help the Keeper of the Builders, suddenly seemed to find rather important things to do. I looked at them questioningly for a moment, before deciding I'd better continue with my inventory list.

"Am I supposed to just stand here all day?" Gally growled impatiently. I looked to Clint, wanting to follow the Keeper of the Med-Jack's lead. He was standing awkwardly, avoiding Gally's piercing glare.

"Oh... hi, Gally. Sorry, didn't see you there." That was a lie. Clint had been perfectly aware of Gally waiting to be seen. "Everything okay?"

"It's my wrist. It's playing up." Gally replied bluntly. Clint nodded.

"Beth will check it out." Clint told Gally before looking at me. I stared back at Clint, unsure of what could possibly have possessed him to make such an offer. Gally seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"The Greenie? I'd like to keep my wrist attached to my arm, thanks. She's got one day of experience. Why can't Jeff take a look?"

"Because Jeff's busy." Clint said, but that wasn't true either. Only ten minutes earlier Jeff had been complaining to Clint about how bored he was. Something else was going on. "Beth might be the Greenie, but she's a natural. She can look at your wrist. If she isn't sure of anything, she can ask for my opinion."

Gally huffed and walked out of the Medhut, waiting in the sun for me to follow. I looked at Clint but could tell that I had absolutely no say in the matter. I found Gally perched on the steps of the Medhut, still cradling his hand. I took a seat next to him, unsure how to ask to inspect his wrist.

"I'm sorry." Gally muttered, leaving me shocked. I hadn't expected that. "I didn't mean to be rude. But you are the Greenie, so can you blame for being a little concerned about the idea of you as my Med-Jack?"

"No, I suppose not." I smiled. "I mean, what if I accidentally snapped your wrist clean off?"

Gally looked at me with wide eyes, not yet understanding my dry sense of humour. I rolled me eyes.

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