Chapter 59- A Message

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Boran Alp P.O.V

We had continued towards the cave in the morning, making a quick stop at Hanli Bazaar since all our supplies had been left behind. "How I wish I had my horse or my bow,"  I say, and Goktug snorts. "You and your bow, I swear you would be dead without it."

"My bow is the most important thing I own," I say defensively and Goktug smirks. "Are you going to teach your kid to be an archer?" "Of course, I will," Goktug chuckles, "And if they're a better archer than you, Boran?"

I raise an eyebrow, "That's not happening, If she is-" I stop myself as the word comes out of my mouth without thinking, "You want a girl, don't you, Boran?" Goktug says with a grin, and I look the other way, smiling to myself. "Maybe."

"This is where our patrol area starts," Goktug says suddenly, looking in the distance. As we ride closer, our alps are nowhere to be seen. We get off our horses and look around, "Be careful, this may be a trap."  "I found the alps!" Turhan calls out, a distressed look on his face.

Goktug and I walk over to him quickly, only to see the lifeless bodies of three alps.

"Oh Allah," I murmur, slowly crouching down and closing the alp's eyes. I say a quick prayer and as I finish, I see the letter stuck on the tree with the blade of a dagger. I walk over to it, taking the paper and letting my eyes scan over the page. 

It seems you are not a strong as you seem, Osman Bey. I will crush you and your state under my boots, and no one will remember your name. Soon, your tribe will be stained with the blood of your wife,  your children, your alps, and all your family. Your time is running out, Osman.

At the bottom was one line, written in Mongolian. I frown at the letter for a moment before handing it to Goktug, "What does that say?" "The Collector of Blood, Kotyan."

"And he signed it with his blood," Goktug points to the dark red stain on the letter and I exhale sharply. "We need to get back to Osman Bey, as quickly as we can," Goktug nods, folding the letter and tucking it into his belt. "Let's go."

Later That Day~

"What happened?" Osman asks as we get back to his cave, and we quickly spill the entire story. As Osman nods slowly, processing the information we dumped on him, Goktug takes out the letter. "Bey, they killed our farthest patrol, we found this letter with our alps... bodies." 

Osman frowns and I hand him the letter, his dark eyes roam over the page, his brow creasing with every word. Gunduz steps closer to him, reading over his shoulder, "Abi, send some alps to bring our martyrs' bodies back to the tribe."

Gunduz nods, walking over the ladder of the cave. Osman crumples his letter in his hand, "We need to get to the bottom of this, find this Kotyan and send him back to the hell he came from." I nod, "There's a new attack every day, Bey'm. How are we supposed to figure this out when we don't even know who this guy is?"

Osman lets out a frustrated sigh, "I don't know, Boran. But, we'll find a way, we have to." 

The rest of the day was difficult, my head felt heavy. Worry clouded my thoughts and I couldn't seem to think about anything else. I was sitting in my tent, carving the handle of the dagger I was working on as Gonca stirred a pot of food.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Boran? You're going to end up ruining that dagger." I shake my head, not even looking up, "Or you're going to end up hurting yourself." Gonca adds as I push the blade against the wood, "I'm not going to hurt myself..." I say, frowning as the blade refuses to go through. And instead of trying again, I push harder and the blade shifts, sticking itself into my hand.

"Shit," I curse as I take the blade out and set it aside, wincing at the blood spreading on my hand. "I told you so," Gonca says, bringing water over to wash the blood off. "I was paying attention, it's just that stupid dagger decided to go the opposite direction." Gonca gives me a look, "Really, Boran? The dagger 'decided'?" 

I blow out a breath, grimacing as the cold water hits my hand. "What's gotten into you? You keep frowning and thinking so hard, it looks like your brain is going explode." I smile slightly, "Really, that bad?" Gonca just gives me a look that says, 'Quit trying to change the subject.'

"It's just something about my mission, you know, I can't say anything about it, Gonca'm," I say with a sigh. Gonca just nods slightly, "I know." There's a sudden knock at the door and Goktug's voice comes, "May I come in?"

I look up, wondering why Goktug is here, "Come in, Goktug!" Goktug enters, putting a hand to his chest with a brief nod. "Osman Bey is calling us, it's important," The look on his face tells me it has something to do with our current issue. I get up and finish tying the bandage on my hand quickly. "Alright, let's go then."

A/N: Hey guyyys, what's up?

So, school is starting in less than two weeks sadly, so I don't know what my update schedule will be like. Hopefully, I'll still get time to write because I might die without writing.

Also, there probably will not be a chapter tomorrow because I'm supposed to go to my friend's house.

Random KO meme that made me laugh -->

Random KO meme that made me laugh -->

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Salaam and Have a great day!

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