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"WHATS HAPPENING?!" Brenna practically yelled.

Simon helped me along with kate.

"SHHH" everyone shushed her.

everyone made it out and we all ran. i had no idea where we were going but i trusted them so i went along.

"can we please go to Ziggy's. i know she's probably watching weird documentaries" josh explained to Deena. Deena rolled her eyes and accepted.

"who's Ziggy?" i ask, everyone smiles weirdly, sam looks down.

"just come on we'll have you meet her" Kate grabbed my wrist and we started running.

after awhile we got to a smallish house.

"here we are" sam lowly said. that's the first thing she's said all day.

Deena knocked on the door and a lady with longish brown, red hair stood there.

"oh! hi guys. new people i see?" Ziggy invited us in.

"i'm Juno and this is Brenna. we moved from Chicago" i smiled awkwardly.

"nice to meet you guys, come sit down" her living room wasn't too special and it was a nice house.

"we cant stay long, we have to unpack some more" I politely say.

"how are you feeling Sam?" Ziggy goes over to Sam and gives her a cup of tea.

Sam shrugs.

"i'm gonna get going, thanks for sneaking me out" Brenna got her jacket and her backpack and headed towards the front door.

"no problem!" Deena smiles to Brenna and we all say goodbye.

"so your cousin.." Sam makes direct eye contact to me.

"yeah what about her" i took a grape from the plate in the center of the table.

"she's really pretty" Josh chimes in and Kate slaps him.

"OHH, i see what's going on" i glanced between Josh and Kate.

Everyone laughed.

after a few hours i figured i should go home.

"i'm home" Brenna was cooking dinner with Aunt Sylvia.

they said hi and i walked to my room and flopped onto my bed staring at the cracked ceiling.

i looked at the 7 unpacked boxes one labeled, MOMMY, DADDY AND I

I have been dreading opening that box for awhile.

I sighed and slowly slid my hand under the cardboard flap, opening it to a picture frame of my mother and my aunt.

I started digging deeper into the box and I saw birthday cards from my mom and dad.

I remember each and every one they gave me.

I heard Aunt Sylvia lowly mutter something. i looked up at my door frame and i saw her standing there with a frown.

she bent down and hugged me for a few minutes until I calmed down.


It's been a 4 days since I started going to my new school. Sam is actually an amazing person.

i've become very decent friends with everyone.

when i arrived to school i said goodbye to Brenna when she went to her classes.

I entered the girl's bathroom seeing Simon checking him self out in the mirror.

"what are you doing" he snapped out of his trance and looked embarrassed.

"nothing" he looked weird.

"no shame. i do that all the time" i laughed and bent down to the sink to wash my hands.


this is so short sorry lol

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