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i sat on my bed waiting for Brenna to be ready thinking about what happened between Simon and I.

"ok i'm ready let's go!" I jumped up and met Brenna outside my room.

I saw Deena outside with everyone else.

"bye!" i waved to Brenna.

"Hey" Sam turned around smiling with her arm around Deena.

Glancing at Simon, cracking a smile for a second and him returning the smirk as well.

The bell rang so we went inside and everyone went their separate ways while Deena and I went to class.

"did you and Simon, you know-" she laughed, "well, yes and no. we just made out" i smiled.

Class went on and i just stared into space thinking about what i saw last night.


5th period arrived and i was so over everything. i just wanted to go home. or see Simon. (getting very much pick me vibes from miss Juno)

"we are all going to Ziggy's after school. wanna come?" Deena asked. I nodded and turned back to the board.

Blah blah blah. boring teacher stuff. i'm barely paying attention at this point.

The class was finally over. I did a long sigh and waited for everyone to go to Ziggy's.

"GUYS! OVER HERE" Deena yelled down the hallway catching their attention.

"y'all ready?" sam leaned her head on Deena.

we all nodded and made our way to the front doors of the school.

"i have some skittles. does anyone want some" Josh put his hand out with a handful of candy.

I took a few. and so did Simon.

As i walked along Simon, our hands touched a bit and my heart skipped 5 beats. He's so cute.

"ZIGGY! what's up" Josh threw his hands up as he greeted Ziggy.

"oh hello! Martin is inside" Martin? who the hell is Martin, i wonder.

we all set down our bags and took off our shoes.

"HEY GUYS!" a man in the living shot up from his lazy boy watching Wheel Of Fortune. He seemed..focused.

Ziggy came into the living room with snacks.

"who's this new girl?" Martin then pointed at me while stuffing his face with popcorn.

"I'm Juno West-" before I got to finish Martin interrupted, "Were your parents Mary and Gus West?"

That was very odd.

"Uh- yes..why?" i dragged on nervously.

"NAH WAY! I lived in Chicago and i met your parents at a bar. they seemed odd but, although they were nice" he smiled, leaving me totally confused at this situation.

"Anyways, where's Brenna?" Sam grabbed a soda.

"OH SHIT" I rushed to the phone on the wall and dialed the home phone.

"Hi Aunt Sylvia. is Brenna home?" i fidgeted with my hair, "yes, she's home. are you at a friends house?"

"yeah, i am. i'll be home in a few hours. Bye" i hung up the photo and went back to the spot i was sitting at on the couch.

I sat next to Simon, our hands were nearly touching.

Fuck it.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it into mine. It worked! He grabbed back.

I felt so alive in that moment. I cant believe he's actually holding my hand. Ok, Juno. Calm down. Jeez.

Ziggy and martin were trying to figure out what the word was on Wheel Of Fortune.

"YES! I GOT IT" Ziggy laughed in Martin's face and all of us laughed.

"does she have you know- like a thing for him" i whispered to Simon, "Kinda. after they fought a bunch of killers in a mall, they've been abnormally close with each other" he shrugged and we continued watching Ziggy and Martin going at each other and laughed so hard my throat started to hurt.

It's like a big happy family. They seem happy. I'm happy to be friends with all of them. I smiled and Simon threw his arm around me.

"excuse me, i'm gonna go to the bathroom" Ziggy excused herself.

We then heard a shriek.

"ZIGGY?" Martin runs to the bathroom door, "yeah, sorry" Ziggy has shaky breath, "just come here"

what Martin saw terrified him...


grace speaks !
DAMNNN! left y'all on a cliffhanger...<3

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