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            Once the door closed and Jennifer was long gone, Genevieve slowly turned around to look at me

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Once the door closed and Jennifer was long gone, Genevieve slowly turned around to look at me. Those eyes, they always get me no matter what. She looked like she'd just been betrayed because in her eyes she had been by me, this was for the best, this was for her.

"You were going to let her kill me?" Her lips quivered, I shallowed the rest of my alcohol beverage with a bitter aftertaste roaming my mouth.

In my line of business, my lifestyle there's always a price to be paid. My father's price was his very own family and I know that my price will eventually be her, if I do this then she has a chance of a normal life and if I don't, I'll drag her down with me and that's the last thing I want for her.

"I told you, I give zero fucks about you." I said, there was no humor behind my voice. I could see her heart break and that right there is what made me feel for the first time in 24 years.

"Don't, please." She practically begged me to stop hurting her, I wanted nothing more then to wrap her in my arms forever but what happened the other night with the bunny mask is just the beginning, my enemies will never stop trying to destroy me and unfortunately she's the only thing they can really destroy me with.

"It was always just sex to me." I told her, my mind kept telling me to hurt her even more so it'll be easier for her to leave. "I'm just sorry that I let this go on for so long."

She shakes her head with tears gathering around her eyes, it was hard watching her slowly break in front of me. I reached inside my jacket pulling out a plane ticket, I tossed it to her wanting to avoid anymore contact with her. It took her a second to register what the paper said but when she realized what it was her eyes widen.

"You're free to go now." I said, I'm doing this for her.

I now understood Carter more then anything, it was fear that drove him away from my mother and it's fear that is forcing me to stay away.

"I don't understand." She whispers while wiping her tears away.

"I no longer need you as leverage." I said, my eyes watched her carefully.

She gently places the ticket above the table next to her, she walks closer to me causing my mind to switch to survival mode. Her soft hands moved to my cheeks, I painfully exhaled while trying my best to look away from her.

Is this what loving someone feels like?

"Tell me to stay, tell me there's no place better then right here with you." Her voice waivers, she sounded so desperate. "And I'll stay."

My eyes slowly met hers, my hands grabbed both her wrist and lowered them down. She glanced down at our hands while shaking her head fully aware of what's coming next.

The next words that leave my mouth will surely ruin whatever fucked up relationship we had left, my jaw clenched getting ready to break her completely.

I leaned closer to her, hope sparked in her eyes.

"That would be a fucking lie." I whispered, little tears rolled off her checks instantly.

That wasn't enough for me, I needed to ensure that she'll keep her distance. "Don't get me wrong, you're good at sex but not that good that I want to keep you around." I released her arms, she stood there trying to take in all the nonsense that just spilled from my mouth.

"My driver will take you to the airport in 30 minutes."

I hurried out of there, I couldn't stand being there for even a second longer. I wanted her more than anything but she's the one thing that I could never have. I made sure to slam my office door shut, she'll be gone forever, I'll never hear her voice or feel her soft touches again.

I picked up the dried rose off my desk, it was apart of the bouquet of flowers I got her. I wanted to keep something just to remember her by, it was a weak move so I didn't mention it to anyone.

The sound of my phone ringing cut my thoughts short, I picked up my phone and brought it to my ear.

Carter: "Were you able to get her the ticket?"

"Yes, she's packing her stuff right now." I said while walking over to my window."You threw them off her tracks, correct?"

There was one detail I was leaving out, this whole thing was planned ever since the bunny incident. I recognized the tactic, the animal mask and blood, the doors locked, the threats and fear. It was Benjamin's people, this is what they're good at.

That bastard promise I'd never have a normal life and he meant it even in death, they won't stop till she's dead or gone. I called my dad right after everything and we set up a plan to get her out, since Benjamin's people have eyes and ears everywhere we needed to proceed carefully.

Carter: "They have no idea she's even leaving let alone where she's going to, I can guarantee it."

"Thank you, Carter." I glanced out the window watching the snow fall so effortlessly.

Carter: "You have a lot of people after you now, I can help you son."

"You've done enough for me, I'll take it from here." I hung up the call.

While looking out the window my office door opened, I didn't pay attention to who it was but I had a pretty good feeling it was my brother. I held on to my phone in one hand and in the other I held the dead rose. I kept quiet as I watched my driver pull up out front, Genevieve and her annoying friend appeared outside beside the car.

I watched the soft snow gently grace upon her rich brown hair, she has always been such a view but now it's almost like a tragic piece of art.

"Why are you letting her go?" Donovan says, he sounded confused.

Her friend noticed me first and whispered something inside her ear, Genevieve slowly glanced up at the window. When her harsh eyes settled on me I could see it, she'll never forgive for this and that's truly the worst part.

The question my brother asked me was tricky but looking at her right now I finally have a response that could answer almost everything.

"Because I love her." I whispered under my breath, she was the first one to look away as she got inside the car.

That hurt more than anything, I've never felt pain before till right now. My hands gripped around the window railing, the car started driving away taking a piece of my twist, fucked up heart. My head fell down as my hands tightened around the railing, I felt a hand against my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you." Donovan says.

I rolled my shoulders back and tossed the flower inside the trash bin before standing straight. "I'm going to torture all of Benjamin's people slowly and painfully till they're all begging me to kill them."

I'm going to hunt down everyone that threatened her, and I'm going to end their existence.

Instagram: @ sexsationel
Twitter: @ sexsationella

Cliffhangers u gotta love them lol, I promise that I'm already working on the next chapter.

What do you think might happen next chapter? Also did you like Nathaniel's pov?

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