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       My brain kept repeating the words inside my head, he's responsible for my sister's kidnapping

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My brain kept repeating the words inside my head, he's responsible for my sister's kidnapping. Nastassia is gone, she was taken like I was. She's innocent besides being related to a monster but she had no choice in the matter, it's not her fault. I couldn't stop shaking my head, it's not possible that Aziel was responsible for such a horrible thing, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body.

"He made a deal with the Germans, my sister, for your freedom." He says. "He works for them, he's an assassin

My heart stopped beating for a second, his little sister took my spot. That's why he knows so much about combat, the way he threw the knives, he knew how many bones a human body has because he tortures people for a living, that's why he was at the auction because there was a hit on me.

"I'm sorry." I said with all seriousness.

He stepped closer, I didn't back away this time. His finger brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear making my face more clearer to him, my mouth parted gently at his soft action.

"No, I'm sorry." He says, softly.

That didn't sound good, nor comforting.

"For what?" I asked, confusedly.

"For this." He grabbed my arm making me grunt painfully, he yanked me out the door and practically dragged me down the stairs.

I was too shocked to even react, he threw open the basement door and tossed me inside. I fell to the floor with a hard thump, my brain slowly processed the bloody cement. My head slowly lifted up, the sight in front of me almost made me vomit. Aziel was tied to the chair in front of me with blood pouring down his neck, his eyes were completely black and he had knife wounds all over his stomach.

"Genevieve." Aziel grunts while rocking back and forth trying to get set free.

My eyes softened on him, I quickly crawled off the ground and threw myself to Aziel. My hands grabbed his battered cheeks, I was disgusted with his wounds and saddened by his pain. I carefully kissed his bloody lips, he kissed me back just as gentle while my thumb stroked his cheek. The kiss made me feel his pain, and his regret which made me feel even sadder. I pulled back allowing my eyes to look over his entire body, it was disturbing yet he didn't even look like he was in any pain, he must be used to this.

Remembering the audience behind us I turned my head right over my shoulder, Nathaniel was watching us with an unusual face expression, his hands squeezed together in a fist.

"Now you have proof that your lover is alive." A man covered in blood standing behind me said. "And if you want to keep it like that you better tell me where you took Nastassia."

I glanced back at Aziel. Clearly I was disappointed in him, not only did he lie to me but he took an innocent girl and gave her to a pack of wolves.

"I told you, I have no idea what they did to the girl after I gave her to them." Aziel says, as the words pour from his mouth his eyes stayed on me the entire time. "They threatened Genevieve, I had no choice."

"I knew her, she was kind and innocent." I told him.

"I panicked, they said your name and I blacked out." He stutters. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" The man laughs before giving him a deadly look. "She's a woman, do you have any idea what they do to women?" He says, angrily.

That made my heart drop, what would they do to her?

"Tell me." I said, I need to know what they would've done to me if they would have gotten their hands around me, maybe I could understand Aziel a little bit more. "I need to know."

The man looked at me like it was a difficult question for him to answer, maybe he was scared of admitting it to himself, he clearly loves her and is willing to do anything to get her back. "They get them addicted to drugs, they give it to them like water. They hijack their minds making false illusions of their entire life, it makes them go crazy." He says.

I gulped, she won't be the same after. Even if they rescue her, she'll never be the same Nastassia.

"Then they go through a trial base, where they get beaten, raped, and trained." The man wipes his bloody knuckle across his chin.

"Trained?" I asked.

"After trial they become seductresses, unable to produce or make decisions for themselves. They hunt like it's their first nature, kill viciously with no remorse." He finishes.


I looked back at Nathaniel, he looked truly defeated and it was weird to see him like this. He listened to every word this man said and he couldn't even look angry because he was so tired.

"Nate, please. He did it for me." I whispered, my eyes were beginning to water. "Take it out on me, not him."

"No, it was all me. I did it, she had nothing to do with it." Aziel jumps to defend me, of course he would.

Nathaniel ran his hand across his face, he was starting to get frustrated. He suddenly stormed over to us, he grabbed ahold of my arm, ripping me from Aziel. My body started squirming around, my free hand tried prying his hand off of me but it wasn't working.

"Kill him." Nathaniel tells the bloody man, fear drowned inside of me.

"No." I said, tears trailed down my cheeks.

Nathaniel ignored me and pulled me up the stairs aggressively, right before he slammed the door shut I could hear a yell coming from downstairs. I jumped towards the door but he caught me mid way by my waist, he threw me over his shoulder and walked us back inside the kitchen. I was kicking and punching but it wasn't affecting him at all, he lowered me down to my feet.

"He did it for me, he did everything for me." I cried before shoving his chest, he wasn't budging at all so I shoved him even harder but he caught both my wrist.

"And now he'll die for you." He said with no emotion on his face whatsoever.

More tears filled my eyes when I accepted the fact that he wasn't budging, I felt like my chest was starting to cave in. My body unconsciously stepped away from his, this is what Aziel gets for protecting me.

"Why are you doing this?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Do you really think Rowan would let you live after what he just told you?" He grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him, my chest pressed against his and his height coward over me. "It was either you or him."

"You don't understand." My eyes shut gently as tears spilled down my cheeks. I hate myself for what's coming next but if there's even the slightest chance of saving Aziel I'm taking it.

"Understand what? That I'm trying to save you." He shouts.

Nathaniel stared at me with a look I couldn't read, he had to know what was coming next, he saw the way I kissed him, the way I held him, the way I dropped to my knees to comfort him, the way I'm fighting for his life. My eyes opened with fresh tears inside of them, my mouth parted with invisible words.

"Killing him is killing me." My words came out, wobbly. "I love him." It came out barely as a whisper.

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Also just keep in mind that there's different types of loves<3

How do you think Nathaniel will handle this information?

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