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           We arrived at the house to the sound of shouting, very loud shouting

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        We arrived at the house to the sound of shouting, very loud shouting. Tobias walked up the stairs quickly with his hands holding me behind him, but when I heard the sound of Nastassia I pushed his arm off of me and stormed inside.

"Sorry, but my family is in there." I told him.

When I walked into the living room it was destroyed, the family picture was broken into small pieces. The lamps were all thrown on the floor and the tv was completely broken, my eyes fell on Nastassia who look like a complete mess. My body froze when I saw Aziel standing next to her with a bruised face and a knife hanging out of his stomach.

"Nastassia lower your gun." Carter shouted, angrily.

She had her gun pointing directly at her parents, she was covered in blood. Her hair wasn't even blonde anymore, it was dark red. She had a bloody handprint against her shirt, and nail scratches across her cheek. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, and she was the serial killer.

"Why, daddy? Are you scared of me?" She teased, her voice no longer sounded sweet, it sounded possessed. "Scared of your precious little girl."

"We just buried your brother, stop this." He said.

"I know that, I finished my brother's hit list for him." She smirks while bowing slowly keeping eye contact with him, that's why she was covered in blood.

"Your brother did not want that." I said.

She turned to look at me, her eyes were dark and emotionless. "We'll never know because he's dead and this man is responsible for it." She said while pointing her gun at Aziel.

"He helped us."

"He had me kidnapped, it's his fault this happened." She snapped at me.

"This is what your brother wanted to avoid, revenge never works out right."

"It didn't work out for my brother because he fell in love, I don't have anyone I love anymore." She said.

"I lost my brother and my soulmate, I have nothing."

"You have us." My voice cracked, his sister is my responsibility now and no matter what I'll always love her.

"That's just not good enough." Her shoulders rolled back and she shut out any emotion she had left.

Tobias carefully shoved me behind him, he's seen this before with Nathaniel. Revenge makes people do foolish things to the people they love the most, the thing was that he loved his family, and looking at her now, she loves no one and that's what makes her dangerous.

Nastassia saw how defensive Tobias's had gotten when she said that, her eyes focused on his arm shielding me from her wickedness. "Fine, make me your villian."

"I am your mother, I know this isn't you." Isabella chimed in, Nastassia slowly tilted her head to look at her.

"Oh save it, I don't care about you or anyone in this room." She laughed like a lunatic. "Honestly you fucked your stepdad and then had fucked up children with him."

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