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For Jisung, training wasnt the hard part for him, he always kept his mind preoccupied and only cared for work, he had a routine to go to work, eat his meals and work alone once again, and today was no different - except someone had wanted to work with Jisung.

At this time, Jisung was working alone in a self practice room, he envied other groups who had fun while practicing, they were laughing and chatting and yet he was just there, alone and lonely. A subtle knock was heard from his door, and Jisung took a peak to see who's outside, and to his surprise it was Chris from his birthday.

"Oh Chris hyung, what brings you here?"

"I heard uhm— that you were working alone?"

"Yeah, i am."

"Are you planning on debuting solo?"

"No— actually before i joined the entertainment i wanted to be in a group."

"How about we start working together from today onward?"

"Huh, really? Are you serious? Wait no you probably have other group mates they wouldnt-"

"I dont.. most dont pass their monthly evaluations, and so I hope you work with me and pass all of them until we debut."    

"Are you sure?"

"If i wasnt sure i wouldnt waltz up to this same self practice room you always stay in."

"Thank you, lets work together. Take care of me well!" Jisung said happily.

"Oh recently i made friends with someone who hasn't auditioned for JYP yet, but if he does pass would it be alright if he worked with us?"

"Oh I'm completely fine with that!"

"Oh and by the way... do you speak English?"

"Ah yes i do? Why do you ask?"

"Its just that I'm more comfortable talking in English, if it would be fine with you."

"Oh it's alright! Me and my brothers converse in English."

"Oh? So did you study here in Korea?"

"No I studied in Malaysia although my parents and my brothers lived in London for a while before i was born. Me and my brothers have a huge age gap."

"Oh so you're the youngest then.. I'm the oldest." Chan smiled.

It was slightly awkward working with each other, but Jisung managed and awaited excitedly for the following years they would work with each other. It was now October 3, and Jisung was excitedly walking to his next monthly evaluation. Chan already had his the day before and thus, Jisung was doing it alone today. After his evaluation - in which he was semi proud of - he quickly left the assessment room.

"Hey did you know its Chans birthday? Should i go greet him?"

"Who's chan?"

"Our senior you idiot."

Jisung had overheard their convo and quickly felt guilt come over him. Chan treated him for his birthday and made him feel special, and yet there chan was working alone. He sped up his pace and ran to Chans studio.

"Chris hyung?"


"W-why didn't you tell me it was your birthday today?"

"I didn't think of my birthday as much.."

"You took time out of your busy schedule to celebrate mine and you dont even bother to celebrate yours?"

Tears prickled at the corners of Jisungs eyes, he felt so much guilt come at him all at once, he thought it was his fault Chan hadn't celebrated his birthday.

"I overheard some new trainees talking about it and decided to visit you, i didnt want you to be alone— like how i was."

"That's no fair! C'mon lets go somewhere fun for your birthday!"

"It's alright."

"No that wasn't a question, you were coming with me whether you like it or not."

Jisung attempted to drag Chans ass off of his chair, but his hard work proved to be fruitless after Chan hadn't moved an inch.

"Hyung!" Jisung whined. "Please.."

"Oh alright." Chan couldn't resist the desperate glint seen on the youngers face and knew he wouldnt give up without putting up a fight.

"Yahoo!" Jisung cheered.

Chan smiled and laughed, its been a while since he had someone younger than him to take care of.

"So hyung.. what do you like?"

"I like dogs."

"To the dog cafe we go!" Jisung answered almost instantly.

Chan laughed at the youngers adorableness, while Chan he was always treated as the baby but now, he had someone to treat like a baby.

JULY 31 , 2021

Falling down, I'm an alien on this earthI don't seem to belong anywhere by myself

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Falling down, I'm an alien on this earth
I don't seem to belong anywhere by myself

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