347 14 1

The day was going great, everyone was enjoying and no one was hurt.

"Let's do more!" Felix said excitedly.

Most agreed enthusiastically, Jisung on the other hand was completely exhausted. After tiring his body out and not having plenty to eat, his body was eager for more rest. Jisung didn't want to say anything though, everyone was having fun and it has been a while since everyone's been out like this.

"Let's split! I want to go to the cafe there, they have souvenirs too. Whoever wants to ride more go with felix, whoever wants to chill or rest go with me. I want to see the cat plushie, it looks like doongie." Minho said.

"Are we allowed inside? We're drenched." Chan asked.

"The sign said yes." Minho replied, shrugging. "It said we're allowed, if the store gets wet they deal with it. Look at that cat plush, it's too irresistible!" Minho cooed.

"Well then, i'm going with Minho hyung." Jisung said, he was so relieved Minho had actually found the cafe.

"Hm, i'll go with minho too." Hyunjin said, there was a few things that intrigued him in the cafe.

"Alright that settles it, the rest are going with me then. Where do we meet up after?" Felix asked.

"Just come back to the cafe, once we get dry i don't think we'll go back anyway." Hyunjin shrugged.

"Everyone agrees?" Chan asked the group, and the members nodded in response. "Alright."

The three made it in the cafe, turns out it was made for customers that were wet already. Turns out what they didn't see, was that the floor of the cafe was like a mini pool about 5-10 inches high, so their feet will be wet the whole duration inside the cafe. Although they questioned the design, it didn't bother them that much. The seats had no cushioning whatsoever, and the seats were made of plastic. The cafe provided them with towels though, and the chairs were also provided with small stools just in case they wanted their feet dry for the time being. The walls were decorated with a vibrant sea blue, and the floors were a bit rough with some glitter to prevent slipping and to mimic a sea floor.

"Woah, this place is better than I imagined." Jisung looked around in awe.

"There's fish in the water what the hell!" Hyunjin dramatically screamed as he immediately jumped to a nearby chair, almost falling over in the process.

"Hello valued customers! You mustn't worry, these fish do no harm, in fact they help exfoliate your feet! If you wish for your feet not to get wet there are boots available for use. The boots are washed and sanitized after each use as well, please pick one according to your size with the foot chart. The menu is on the table, enjoy your stay and please do tone it down a little, thank you!" The waitress politely bowed before showing them their table.

"I made a fool out of myself didn't I?" Hyunjin sighed as he practically deflated on the table.

"No worries, you do it all the time." Minho smiled.

"Oh shush mister i'm so sexy I do sexy dances in most variety shoes I pop up in!" Hyunjin spat.

"Didn't they say to tone it down a little?" Jisung chuckled.

"Blame the tall ass. Anyway, I'll pay since Jisung paid for dinner the other day. But i'll only pay for Jisung." Minho said.

"No fair!" Hyunjin deflated even more.

"I was just joking, i'll pay for you too dramatic ass." Minho laughed.

"Yay, thanks!" Hyunjin sat you straight, smiling and splashing his feet across the water.

"They tickle!" Jisung giggled, watching the fish go to his feet with eyes full of wonder and curiosity.

The giggling was music to their ears, it was only rare now they would hear such a beautiful sound. The other two smiled as well, happy Jisung is finally getting the happiness he deserves.

"Hyunjin what are you getting?" Minho asked.

"Maybe an Americano and mango graham cake." Hyunjin said.

"Alright, what about you Jisung?"

"Americano with blueberry cheesecake!" He said in between his little fit of giggles.

The two smiled wider at his cuteness as Minho took the order. Minho and Hyunjin grabbed boots, they felt rather disturbed my little things prickling at their feet. They enjoyed the food and looked at the souvenirs, Jisung bought a Sealion plushie while Minho got the cat plushie and Hyunjin got a keychain of a dolphin instead.

"I wonder why they have sea animal and other animal products when there aren't any animals here beside the fish." Hyunjin questioned.

"Oh, that's because the company under this water park owns an aquarium park with many sea animals and a zoo with many animals as well. You could also find our water park souvenirs and their stores as well!" The store clerk answered Hyunjin.

The three made an 'o' with their mouth as their eyes widened. They went back to their seat and ordered a couple more small snacks while waiting for the other guys. The other 5 came back about an hour later, they seemed tired as well but didn't want to miss up the opportunity of some coffee and cake, and they bought souvenirs as well.

A/N : I am late once again i'm sorRY

pls don't expect early updates anymore :"( dmmdkemssk

school started too but i'm finally f2f yeheyheyeheyeh

stay safe y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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