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"New york! Concrete Jungle where dreams are made o-" Felix was cut off. "Hey why'd you turn it off i was having a blast!" Felix grumbled.

"We have to shush before we get another noise complaint! We can't get kicked out of this apartment before we finish this week!" Chan said.

"Fine. But i'm bored! We haven't gone out in ages!"

"Felix, we just had a very peaceful dinner yesterday." Changbin sighed.

"But that wasn't enough!" Felix whined.

"it didn't tickle my peach." Jisung chimed in.

"I can tickle your peach-" Minho said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I swear you guys are like a pack of wolves and Minhos always the horny one, we can plan something out!" Chan sighed.

"What about this waterpark? Most people have work or school today, but we don't." Seungmin recommended.

"Great idea! The best idea!" Hyunjin dramatically screamed as he started jumping around.

"Er- Anyone got a rash guard? I don't wanna be shirtless." Jisung said.

Jisung was embarrassed of his body, and the mere fact he had cuts as well didn't suit well with being shirtless for a water park.

"Oh I do, it's pretty old though." Jeongin said, quickly scurrying away to go find it.


This is the most excitement Jisung had in a while, his life felt like the same endless cycle over and over again, but this one week felt like an opening to happiness, one he hasn't felt in years.

"Chan hyung you have to wear your pink zebra striped trunks i got you last summer!" Changbin said, an evil laugh trailing after.

"Changbin, if you make me wear that i'll make you wear the neon pink speedo that's shorter than your brief." Chan challenged.

"I- you win, i take it back." Changbin sulked.

"still have to put our guard up, no? pretty sure people still will recognize us." Seungmin sighed.

"if only i could ban cameras for a day!" Felix wished, stomping his feet a little bit.

"if only.." Hyunjin sighed.

"it's alright, it's a monday and a working day, there's less people. Less chance we'll get caught today." Chan shrugged. "Now hurry and pack!"

The members continued to giggle while packing, excitement only building up by the minute.

"We're done! Who's driving!?" Felix asked.

"Well, Chan hyung can but what car?" Jeongin said.

"Not to worry my dear members, I thought about this beforehand and borrowed a company van large enough for the 8 of us. if we don't fit i'll make it fit." Chan said, leaving a creepy feeling with the last sentence.

"O.K! Let's go!" Changbin said as they bolted down the stairs.

As they all got in the car, they happened to fit with few space left. They were as happy as they could ever be, jamming out to their favorite music.

"Alright we're here! Don't worry kids, i'll pay!" Chan said.

"Yehey!" They screamed in union.

They then arrived at the ticket booth, Chan at the cashier for the 8 of them.

"Oh shit! I forgot my wallet.." Chan said, scratching his head.

"Not to worry my ass, you're lucky i brought mine." Changbin said, giving his credit card and paying instead.

"You're a life saver bin!" Chan said, hugging his side.

"No, you're just forgetful." Changbin sighed.

"Last one to the spiral slide has to pay for food later!" Minho said as they all made a mad dash for the spiral.

"Damn it, it's my short legs." Changbin sighed as he came in last.

"No, i'll pay for the food since bin paid for the tickets." Chan said even though he came first.

"Thank you! From the way you were running here i thought you didn't want to spend a penny!" Changbin said in relief.

[i know i said i was gonna update but i got lazy and then- here's the worst part- i got covid. it's only been a month since i last went to the hospital too... i got covid last week monday, i swabbed again today (wednesday) and i'm now covid free! i was devastated because i had a lot of plans too...

anyway, if y'all have time go check out the movie "Bubble" it's an anime on netflix. i loooooove it sm i watched it like twice in a day.. i get addicted to animes a lot]

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