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Despite Jisung's protests of getting out of bed, he still found himself mindlessly showering in a cool, cold shower. For some reason, he felt as if he was in peace with himself at the moment. Sure, his mind was always raging like a tsunami, but for some reason today-- the tsunami in his mind calmed himself- and it actually felt good. His mind was clear and he knew what he was going to do today, and he knew he was going to accomplish everything he needed to accomplish. He wore a simple outfit today which included a maroon oversized hoody along with some shorts (the shorts reached above his knee, and they were jet black). He didn't bother trying to make himself look good, if he doesn't care then it doesn't matter if anyone else cares. He finished the outfit with white AirForces and left his home. He wore his headphones and cranked the volume high, he didn't want his calm mood to be disturbed by the blaring noises of young children running around. After arriving in the building, he made his way towards the dance studio, where everyone planned on meeting. Alas, he was the first person there, and that isn't all that shocking. He arrived an hour prior to their meeting time, so he sat on the couch and closed his eyes, his calm state of mind not wavering once. As the "Merry Go Round Of Life" started playing, he started smiling, how long has it been since he's felt this sort of euphoria? 

One by one the members began arriving, but Jisung didn't noticed since his eyes were screwed shut and his ears were being blared-- in a good way-- with music. The members were debating if they were to wake him or not since he seemed so at peace with himself, but ultimately they chose not to. Jisung's alarm rang soon after, signalling that it was time for practice to begin. His eyes fluttered open and he met the curious stares of his other members. He looked away and swept his headphones in one swift move. He stood up and began stretching, for the first time in like forever, he didn't feel anxious around the members. 

"This is weird, am I dead and just roaming around as a ghost?" Jisung thought to himself. 

"Okay then, if we're all done stretching let's move on to practicing." Chan then declared. 

No one protested and we all went into formation. They all began dancing till they perfected every single move. 

Needless to say Jisung was exhausted, forget the calm mind he had earlier- now it was far worse than a tsunami. His head was pounding as if his brain had been smashed to shreds, and the shreds are just shaking and moving with some water in his head. He couldn't even walk straight before his vision turned black. 

The members were watching as Jisung clutched his head tightly, they were all breathless, the practice was a bit too intense. They didn't know what to do as Jisung's small and frail figure slowly fell to the ground. The first to react was Chan, he quickly ran to his side to check for any injuries, fortunately, there wasn't any he could visibly see at the moment. He placed his hand on the boys forehead, and truth be told it felt like Chan was touching a plate from an oven. He panicked, was it an infection? Something possibly deadly? They all panicked as they called for an ambulance. Sure they argued, but they were still some sort of family, they couldn't possibly loose Jisung. 

Jisung on the other hand woke up in some sort of dream. It was a field with never ending green pastures filled with beautiful flowers and beautiful animals. A squirrel was on his chest, peacefully sleeping. He smiled and slowly caressed the small animal, and the animal moved closer to Jisung's hands. The small animal soon woke up, it looked at Jisung with slight horror on its eyes. The squirrel jumped and ran, and Jisung followed it. Jisung thought the animal was just frightened by his sudden appearance, but much to his dismay, he found something far worse. It was another squirrel, but it was injured and dying. Jisung managed to save it- he himself didn't know how he managed to do it- but he still saved it anyway. He was relieved as he saw the squirrel flutter it's eyes open. The squirrel looked at Jisung with awe, but Jisung looked at the squirrels big brown eyes, it was teary. As he looked deeper into the squirrels eyes he saw something- no not something, someone; it was him. He saw his own reflection, and before anything else happened, he woke up. 

He woke up frightened, and the other members looked at him with utter shock. 

"Jisung! You're awake!" Chan said, relieved. 

"Wait- wait. What happened? How long was I out?" Jisung then asked, placing his two fingers on his head to try and ease the slight throbbing. 

"It's been around 6 hours. You fainted after practice." Chan explained. 

"Was it the lack of food and sleep?" Jisung then asked himself. 

The doctor then came in and explained that Jisung's case was very severe, if he hadn't received medical attention this quickly, there was a possibility he could've died. Jisung didn't care though, all he was thinking about was that squirrel in his dream, and how he saw his very own reflection in the squirrels tear filled eyes. 

(A/N alas, i've risen from the dead-) 

(A/N i edited the chapter cause one part was written in jisungs POV and i didn't notice)

It's a lonely night, it's a quiet night

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