The Journey

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A day passed and I had already forgotten the details and features of the man's face, it'd been so long since I last saw him. He didn't stop the kart as he told me to jump off the back- throwing my luggage into a pile before me.

The mountains were incredibly intimidating- towering over exactly as I imagined- however between the spikes of rock and myself was a large, flat plain. I had mumbled an insult to the man, who was too far into mist to have heard, for scamming me like that.

By the second night of my trek I was catching glimpses of the Dawn court through the jagged mountain peaks and tall trees. Emerging from the gentle forest at the base of the mountains and into the Dawn court was a sort of achievement for myself. Adara must've done this trek and thousands more throughout her travels around the Prythian courts. I always wondered what she liked most about the Winter court to have chosen to stay there permanently- and not any other, possibly warmer, courts.

I had climbed over rocky hills and dredged through knee-high layers of snow for two days and two sleepless nights. The icy wind licking my cheeks had kept me going long enough but having entered the Dawn court a few hours ago, the air had lost its cold kick and I was beginning to feel the tug of sleep.

The other courts have already entered Spring which means the thickness of the snow had vanished and reformed as thick heat in the air. Sweat had started to drizzle down my forehead and spine and my chattering teeth soon altered to deep, desperate gasps for air.

Having living in the Winter court for as long as I can remember- I have become accustomed to the stinging kiss of the cold- the warmer seasons were never too extreme and the colder seasons lasted extra long in our court, meaning the courts always entered Spring before we did.

As me eyelids fell heavier and my vision started to twist and blur from exhaustion, I spotted a small opening in a rock nearby - large enough to fit myself and my luggage snug inside for a quick rest.


"Wakey wakey.." A male's voice droned in my ear.

Adara had given me a few helpful lessons before I had to leave - ensuring I knew everything I needed to survive on my own. I didn't think I would need her expert advice so early on. She warned me that even though she spent the majority of her life travelling through the courts of Prythian, she always found that every court was the same when it came to outsiders. Any unwelcome visitors and they all had the same reaction, which had almost gotten Adara killed multiple times.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll get moving, just passing through." I stumbled around for my things, avoiding the male's stare.

"No there's no need, I am-" I meet his eyes and instantly recognise his facial structure, eye colour and the contours of muscle down the length of his body where his leathers clung. Seven jewels are held on the fabrics around his body glistening in the gently sunrise- siphons, I've heard all about these-

"Cassian, from the Night court." I interrupted and the male leaned back, impressed of my knowledge, surprised that a young high fae from my background would know such things.

"So you've heard of me?"

I give him a gentle nod in response, along with, "let's just say the battle was quite inspiring for us youngsters listening to bedtime stories of the great High Lords and warriors fighting alongside humans- revolutionary."

"And a High Lady." He corrects and I smile - Feyre, High Lady of the Night Court alongside her mate Rhysand the High Lord. The stories I've grown up with have practically taught me everything I know- and possibly the lies too.

"I suppose my bravery would be a source of inspiration for the little ones."

"No disrespect, but I think it was more your stupidity that has you famous to us 'little ones'" I fold my arms and lean back against the cave wall - matching his posture exactly.

A heavy laugh bounces of the walls and it takes me a moment to realise the noise isn't coming from Cassian, but the figure emerging from the shadows.

The darkness of the shadows and glow of the stars merge together to form an equally as tall and muscular male covered in the same jewels as Cassian.

"You must be Azriel." I leaned gently forward, bowing as Adara had taught me and the male performed a bow of his own in response- smiling sweetly.

"Well, we better get going before we upset any Lords." Cassian interrupted our introduction and I smiled, nodding - partly because I didn't want to start off on the wrong foot and upset Cassian with my remark from before.

Once we stepped out of the shadows of the cave and in the to brightening rays of the sunrise, Cassian and Azriel spread their lengthy, dark wings which I mustn't have seen earlier and completely forgotten about.

The length alone was enough to take my breath away, but the tiny rivers of veins, highlighted by the sun, and the contoured muscle and thin but powerful membrane all combined together nearly made me pass out from excitement. Growing up, I've heard so many stories and rumours and read plenty of fictional and non-fictional novels about the battle with Hybern and Prythian and the different Lords and their powers. The Illyrian wings were a favourite of mine to read about.

Cassian swooped me up off of my feet with ease and before I could overthink what was about to happen and the dangers of it all, he leaped off of the ground with a mighty push of his muscle-stocked legs. Azriel followed beside us.

"So how come you know so much about us?" Cassian's voice broke through the wind.

"Books and rumours on the street mainly."

I looked down and saw the Dawn Court passing by so fast I could barely separate any of its structures, just a blur of colours.

"I wouldn't do that-"

"I'm not afraid." I assured him. Heights never frightened me - especially not when I'm being held by one of Prythian's most powerful warriors. Who could ever be afraid when protected by two Illyrians?

"So what have you heard?" He pushes - probably digging for a compliment that he won't find.

"Aside from you, Azriel, Rhysand and Feyre: there's the Morrigan who is famous for her own reasons as well as the war, Amren who sacrificed her life, home and her love to win the battle, only to be brought back by the High Lord. Nesta killed the King of Hybern, and Elain the seer. Have I missed anybody?" I look up to see a hint of impressed mixed into his features.

"That's what we're well-known for, but do you know anything personal, or are they all just rumours and lies."

"Possibly. I know a lot, but I have a talent of separating the lies from the truths. Rhysand and Feyre are mates and I believe they had a child after the war, you and Nesta , Elain and Lucien-"

"Ok, so you know your stuff." Azriel interrupted. I remember hearing a rumour that he had a thing for Elain, or was that Mor? The point is, I believe he's alone and I think it best to leave the romance topic alone for now.

"Show off." Cassian mumbled and I pushed my elbow slightly deeper into his ribs.

I fell asleep not long after. If they hadn't awoken me in the cave, I bet I would've slept for a whole day longer - I had some sleep to catch up on. But I awoke a second time when the mass of Cassian, Azriel and I landing on the the balcony of the famous House of Wind jolted me into action.

"We're here." Cassian announced as he eased my aching body onto the ground and guided me through the large, welcoming doors.

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