Humans and Fae

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The next few months pass without a single civil conversation between Ren and I. Encounters altogether were rare. But whenever we were in the same room, we managed to find a way to scream.

Without the wings to get me to the healing wards, I had to strengthen my winnowing skills. They're a little rusty as Adara never believed they were an important skill, she had always enjoyed the traditional travel-by-foot method.

I know how to winnow but my power isn't strong enough to take me very far and it can get very tiring.

"Ali! Just the person I wanted to talk to." Rhysand's voice echoes against the walls of the house and pulls me away from my thoughts.

"There was an attack last night at the human camp on outskirts of Velaris. Some fae that aren't exactly happy they're there." I share his pain– he just wants his court to be open to anybody who needs it, wants the world to stop separating humans from fae and fae from higher fae.

"I'm so sorry, I'll do anything." I assure him and he nods expressing his gratitude. Today was my day off from the healing wards and I had planned on exploring the beautiful city but if there are people in need of help— I certainly don't mind.

As if reading my mind, "you can have tomorrow off, I'll let the wards know. I just think after an attack like this one, not sending my personal healer would have unwanted consequences for the both of us."

"It's completely fine, that's what I'm here for. I'll winnow down to the wards and gather my supplies and meet you back here in an hour." We both leave on a bow and I travel as far as my powers will allow, through the city and into the wards.

I usually like to stroll through the city on my way, taking in the familiar sights, but winnowing is slightly faster and will give me the practice needed.


"I'm bringing Alirra along to the human camp, I hope their won't be any-  fuss, from either of you."

My mind roams the memories of our last conversations that only ended in tears and screams or one of us being dragged away from the other by Azriel.

"Of course not, this is important. I promise we'll be on our best behaviour." I cringe that it's gotten to the point where they're worried Ali and I can't be professional. I've yet to see whether I can keep that little promise.

"Rhys! I have everything-" Alirra struts into the room, crates and sacks of supplies sprawled over every inch of her small female figure.

"Perfect, thank you Ali. We better be going, we've taken long enough." He winnows into his own darkness and I'm left staring at the quivering female.

"A truce. For the day." Is all I say as I saunter over to her and grab ahold of her elbow (the only bit of skin not covered by healing supplies) and winnow us both out of the room and into the heart of the human camp.

Ali releases gasp the second the world around us reforms as the human camp. Tents too small for the families inside, screams of agony in the distance and healers she no doubt works with running around with boxes or fresh and used supplies.

She doesn't say goodbye as she leaps into the action almost dropping sacks and boxes as she goes inside the largest tent of them all– the temporary healers tent.

"So far so good." Rhys mumbles, giving me a knowing glare to remind me of my promise and I cringe again.

"I asked Lucien to make a list of all the households with any injured, could you retrieve it and give it to Ali or one of the healers." I nod and march toward the second largest tent– the one in the distance belongs to Lucien, who took it upon himself to take care of the little patch of land the humans inhabit on our lands a few years ago.


I don't exactly know what I was expecting from the aftermath of an attack, but the screams in the distance and the gentle sobs inside many of the tents sent guilty shivers down my spine and hairs to stick up along my arms. The pressure building up with every shout and cry.

Many of the healers surrounding me won't even get to leave the tent– won't get to help heal any of the screams. Jobs have been assigned and each of them have a list of tasks that need doing– many require them to stay inside, away from the action. I would hate that, I would feel useless doing those jobs, but somebody needs to.

"Ali? Rhys asked me to retrieves this. A list of the injured." I spin briefly to face Ren– ignoring the familiar face I'd prefer to hit than speak to.

"Any deaths?" She shakes her head and shuffles on her feet awkwardly, probably thinking the exact same thing as I.

"Do you need any help?" The question stops my in my tracks. As if she'd rather help me?

"Sure... carry that crate and follow me." I was about to ask but quickly replaced it to a demand like she would've if the roles were switched.

She doesn't challenge my order and does exactly as I say, follows me into the tents of injured humans and hands me any tools and supplies I ask for.

Thanks to the list Lucien had made, the healers weren't wandering around aimlessly anymore, instead they knew exactly who needed help and where to find them. They could assess their injuries, gather any supplies and heal them before anybody  could shed another tear.

"Thank you, healer!" A middle-aged human woman smiles widely as we leave her tent and fully healed daughter.

"The next one is just around here." I mumble and Ren follows behind, both of us piled high with supplies.

We haven't had a single argument as Renae has spent the entire time handing me the supplies needed and keeping her mouth shut whilst I do my work.

I spot the tent next in need of our help and fold away my map of the human camp and the list of injured and march into their home.

"Mr Hansen? Sir, I'm here to heal your leg wound."

"Leave! Demon!" He screams and pushes his frail body as far away from me as he possibly can. I gasp at his reaction and gather myself after stumbling backward a little.

"Mr Hansen, we're here to help. I promise I won't be long." I try again, making my voice as delicate as I can.

"You're all the same! You're all selfish and power-greedy." He mumbles between struggling breaths and my heart breaks.

"Come on, Ali." Ren nudges me and I snap my head in her direction.

"I'm not leaving him! He'll die!"

"Then that's his choice. We can't force him to accept our help." She lowers her voice respectfully so the elder human ears can't hear.

"Sir, please! Just let us take a look at your injury– I promise we're good, I wouldn't ever want to hurt you-"

"Ali!" Ren interrupts my pathetic plea to the old man.

"What! Ren! What?" I scream louder than her and she flinches at my sudden outburst.

"We need to go– let's find someone who wants our help." She leaves the tent- with my supplies and leaves me no other option but to follow after her.

"I'm so sorry Mr Hansen." I whisper into the darkness of his tent, toward the trembling figure at the back.

"Ali, I'm sorry but not everybody will accept our help, these people are in this mess because of us they aren't all going to be open to us walking in there-" I march past her and ignore her every word, knowing exactly who can persuade them to take our help.

"Ali! Where are you going? The next tent is over-"
The distance cuts off her speech and I approach the dark figure to help us out.

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