Sleeping Beauty

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I'm sprinting now. My legs pushing against the unstable cobblestone beneath my feet- arms matching the actions at my side, giving me added strength. I don't care about the aches in my thighs or the occasional stumble over a jagged stone. I can only keep every ounce of attention on the pulls of Alirra. The sweet calls, dragging me closer and closer with every step. I can feel her tiring. I can feel her slip further and further away from the bond- she clings for dear life and it breaks my heart that she has to do so.

She told me she can't fall asleep and I know Ginerva has something to do with that. Fear intertwines with every quickening pound of my heart. I can't let her go, she can't leave.

Azriel is beside me, jumping over the too-high stones and dodging faelight poles that line the side of the street.

I am functioning wholly on adrenaline and with every beat of my foot against the streets I only feel more desperate to reach her.

Don't leave me.. I mutter through the bond, only to question whether I said it out loud instead. I don't care- I can feel the light of her flickering out. The sparkle of the stars and the glistening of falling snowflakes, the rays of the sun and the pure glow of her falling away- until the tugs stop. She stops.

I can feel her on the other end but no matter how many times I shout she can't hear and can't awaken. She's out.

I've never felt fear like this. Desperation as powerful and controlling as this. Azriel must guess something is wrong as I manage to speed up. He struggles to keep up- checking my face for signs. I don't care anymore. I could be entirely alone or with the whole of Prythian running beside me. Tears pool in my eyes and it's all I have to keep them there. My vision is blurred enough and tears will only make this harder.

I know where she is. I have to. I can't lose her now. We're so close the bond is practically singing. My whole body is aching and not just because of the running. I know we're close. So painfully close.

Azriel dropped the shadows a while ago. Whether the strain of the glamour was tiring or he genuinely doesn't care anymore, the Gods know. I don't care either. A guard can try to catch up to us if they wish, but I won't pay them an ounce of attention.

"This way." I mutter repeatedly to Az when I turn a corner out of nowhere. Maybe he's guessed Alirra is helping guide us, or perhaps he trusts my judgement. I don't need to know which.

We turn another abrupt corner and meet, instantly with the towering spikes of the King of Hybern's castle and the door which is twice as large as Montesere's. I have no other choice but to stop. The unbelievable sight of it all gives no other option.

"If she's in there. We're screwed." I take a heaving breath between every word. Azriel is staring helplessly at the Hybern mansion. Vines cling to the bricks and tiles are long fallen at the base. Weeds over grown, windows smashed and fences bent accommodatingly for trespassers. Clearly nobody intended to care for the place after the King passed. But that isn't what bothers me. Nor does the smell which almost makes we think the King's body is still in his house. No, what bothers my is how many small and dark rooms without a window of door are inside this place. How many winding halls and dead ends would we have to go through. She'll be long gone-

"There." Azriel points to the tallest tower. Its height isn't just what makes it stand out. From the front, every inch of this building has a window. The only tower without glass is that one. It has to be that one. there is no other option.

I don't stop screaming down the bond and pulling at its tether in hopes of waking her just in time. Maybe she'll awaken and give a final pull on the bond- ensuring we have the right location. I can't waste time climbing endless steps of the tallest Hybern tower only for her to be deep down in the dungeon.

As much as that is a possibility, I trust the shadowsinger and my instincts which are both pointing in the same direction. I pray to the Cauldron that neither are wrong.

The burn in my thighs make me want to curl into a ball and my heaving breaths scrape my lungs and throat until they're sore. I don't remove my grip from the handrail for fear of tripping in the darkening halls. Windows would've been ideal for climbing steep steps as these ; I suppose if someone still lived here, the candles lining the inside wall would be lit. However, we have no way and no time to worry about the poor lighting which results me almost tripping once we reach the top.

I can't take any time to stop and catch my breath or rest my legs. Gods I would love to press my face against the cold stone and slump to the floor. I feel around for a hallway but only meet more stone. Anybody would think it a dead end but this doorless tower can only mean once thing and that fills me with so much hope.

I picture the room on the other side. Alirra in the centre with the manacles she describes. Ginerva in the shadows in the far corner- no doubt looking forward to see me.

I can't hear any noises on the other side but I don't hesitate to winnow through the stone and taking form in the room on the other side.

I thought the staircase was dark, but this place seems to prove me wrong. I can't feel Azriel beside me and I know something is wrong for him not to join me. I can't worry too much about that and don't hesitate much longer to feel around the room.

The hairs stick up on the back of my neck and I know someone is watching me. I don't care. I know it isn't Ali and therefore I don't want to know who. I don't stop kicking out my feet and feeling for her body against the stone floor.

My toe grazes something and I reach down to feel what it could be. My eyes are slightly adjusting to the new surroundings but not enough to see what I've found- to see if it's my mate. My fingertips assess the cold thing in my hand and I finger the the shape of it and drag my hand along the grooves. It leads further into the centre of the room and I know the links of metal well. Chains.

I finally reach the end of the endless links as a ball of light forms at the far wall. Held beside the dark form of the Queen. I don't look at her too long, though, before returning my gaze to the shackles in my hands.

Empty shackles.

"It's about time you showed up."

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