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Once again, Ren and I go back to not speaking.

I woke up midway through the next day and winnowed all the way to the human camp and spent the rest of the week with the other healers and slept amongst them. Partly to help the humans, but mainly to avoid Renae.

I was successful in the latter as she never showed her face in the camp and I never asked anybody about her when we spoke. I had a feeling she was avoiding me too and it drove me crazy thinking about whether she's angry or guilty about what happened. I keep reminding myself not to think about it too much and end up working overtime in the healer's camp whilst the others go to the local tavern or turn in for the night. Working seems to be my go-to coping mechanism– if it helps me, what's the problem?

"Alirra, there's a letter for you." One of the helping fae hands me the envelope, leaving me to my tent.

I thought it might be Adara's delayed reply to my last letter – clearly Prythian post is slacking recently– but the writing is unfamiliar.

I rip into it to find a small note requesting my presence in the Night Court, signed by Feyre. I pray this has nothing to do with Renae, however, I don't waste my prayers on hoping she isn't there entirely. My luck doesn't stretch that far.

I don't hesitate to start packing my things. The healers have made such progress this week that my absence won't affect anything– many healers have returned to their homes, satisfied with their work. I ensure they know I'll be leaving before winnowing through the city, not stopping to scan the details of the Sidra or smell the freshly baked bread in the air.

With each step I take, my heart aches from the close proximity to my mate. The memories of our kiss involuntarily flash through my mind for the umpteenth time this week and I want to beg Adara to crush my own mind between the claws of her powers. Anything to stop the pain.

"I was summoned?" I question as I winnow into the centre of a room filled with each Night court member. I don't stop myself stealing a glance at Ren, who is avoiding my existence completely and talking to Nesta about the Cauldron knows what.

"We have an important meeting." Feyre clarifies and saunters through the room, dodging furniture to join my side.

"And the more people we bring, the better we look." Rhys mumbles from his chair, looking completely uninterested in the event entirely.

"A meeting?"

"Montesere invites the Night court once a decade for a small gathering. Something about our ancestors or some bullshit." Feyre mumbles in my ear but Cassian muffles a laugh from the other side of the room.

"Wait- Montesere?" I look back to Ren who is no longer engaged in conversation and gives me gentle nod, her pleading eyes tell me to leave the conversation there, "I've never been." I mutter.

"You have a half hour to be ready-" Someone's magic interrupts Rhys and transforms my healer rags, sweat coated hair and muddied fingertips into a dress made of the darkest fabric I'd ever seen with little flecks of stars dusting the chest and fading down the skirt. An opening in the front of the dress reveals nothing above mid-thigh. My feet fit snug into heels matching in colour to the dress.

I look around as to who the culprit of this magnificent dress is but nobody gives it away– each of them admiring the gown and the shoes beneath my feet.

I had never worn such a thing in my entire life and the delicate metal hung around my neck and wrists accentuated it in ways I would never think to do so. I wouldn't look at a dress like this twice, knowing full-well I couldn't afford such a thing.

"You look beautiful. Now can we go?" Cassian groans like an impatient child and everybody winnows away after the laughter dies down.

Renae reaches me before anybody else, grabbing ahold of my arm and winnowing us to the Night court boarder. From there, the Illyrian wings carry us across the waters. Cassian carries Nesta, Azriel awkwardly wraps his arms around Elain and leaps into the air, Rhys and Feyre set off before I even have a choice. I'm left with Renae.

A Court of Lies and Secrets | ACOTAR fanfic [Girl x Girl]Where stories live. Discover now