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We land on the outskirts of my home town– the familiar faces frowning in our direction, at Renae's intimidating demeanour. Even in an entirely different part of Prythian, people still scatter before her as she walks. Whether it's because they know she's from a different court or whether they can sense the power drifting from her as she saunters through their town.

"Do you find the stares awkward?" I mumble and hope nobody overhears.

"Not so much awkward as guilty," I frown and she begins to explain, "they find me threatening– people in my own court and it's simply because they've been taught that we aren't equals, that power is to fear and never to challenge. So no, not awkward, just heartbreaking."

I stare at her for a few moments– her eyes ignoring the fear-stricken glares of strangers. I always thought she'd held her head high and kept her stare away from others out of ignorance- I was wrong. She avoids their glances out of guilt.

I look away from her and spot the familiar run-down cottage with dancing plumes of smoke rising out of the chimney. Home. The same crumbling paint on the doorframe and window sill, the same pile of pebbles Thea likes to collect by the river is stored beside the box of Adara's Chrysanthemums.

I quicken my pace and push through the crowds to make my way back to where I belong– to my family.

I stand before the door– now attached to both hinges which leaves a frown on my brow. Renae's dark figure stands in my peripheral vision.

"Do I knock?" I mumble unsure of whether I walk in with the usual smile I always have when I entire this little shack I, and many, call home. Or must I knock? Technically I don't live here anymore.

Renae senses my discomfort and reaches her hand out to the rotting wood and taps three times, flecks of paint fall to the floor with every knock.

"Ali? Mommy! Ali is here!" A little shriek calls from the inside and I smile at the familiar squeal of Little Kit.


The heartbroken creases in her forehead soon fade at the sounds of young fae children shouting inside the cottage.

I wouldn't have knocked– if I were her. This is as much her home as the squealing brats inside.

A friendly face opens the door, her features as young and delicate as Alirra's. I don't get chance to introduce myself to who must be Adara, as a wave of little fae children surround us- Alirra mainly. They scream and shout about our arrival and questions that range from 'how are you?' to 'is Rhys as attractive as they say?' I scoff at the latter.

A couple youngsters stare up at me and mess with the daggers around my waist, resulting in my involuntary snarl.

"Don't mess with those, kid." I pull myself away from their small hands and before I can explain how dangerous they are, their mother (Adara) yells for them to go play whilst she heats water for the two of us.

"Sorry about them lot." She smiles after shutting the door behind the three of us.

I inspect the tiny space, reaching out and picking up little toys sprawled around the place. The clutter and fireplace make this place seem welcoming and comfortable– I'm almost envious that Alirra got to grow up here before I remember what she went through to actually get here.

My finger glides over a painting of two stick figures labelled me and Adara– the bottom signed Alirra in the cutest but messiest writing ever.

"You were quite the artist, Ali" I mumble and turn to find them both laughing and gossiping away in the tight corner of the cottage. I smile and watch her for a moment– the permanent dimples outlining her mouth, completely in her element.

A Court of Lies and Secrets | ACOTAR fanfic [Girl x Girl]Where stories live. Discover now