Night Court

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"You must be Alirra Reign." A male's voice floated through the air like a piano tune played in the Winter Court village centre - a beautiful street band that the Night Court surely won't have.

"Please, call me Ali." I perform a bow, identical to the one I gave Azriel a few hours ago and a slender female joins his side. A beautiful image of the court's High lord and lady that I will forever remember and no doubt describe vividly to the youngsters back home - if I ever see them again.

"Welcome, this is my mate and High lady, Feyre," he looks at her with complete adoration as she leans effortlessly forward, bowing as if we're equals. I return the action and Rhysand continues, "You've met Cassian and Azriel." He indicates to the two.

"Ali, here knows more about us than you think." Cassian smirks and saunters off into one of the multiple hallways.

"Right, well then I'm sure our introductions aren't of any use."

I smile and shake my head respectfully, just as a tall female figure marches into the room as if she owns the place - dressed in the famous all black Illyrian leathers matched with daggers of all shapes.

The female looks me up and down - assessing every item I'm wearing and deems my presence useless - averting her eyes toward her High lord and lady. Her eyes avoid mine the entire time but I manage to see the light flecks in the void of her iris - the colour matching perfectly with her demeanour.

"Cassian said you needed me." Her voice light, accentuating her heavy appearance - making her even more intimidating.

"Ren, this is Alirra- Ali. Would you take her to her room?" Ren looks me up and down, avoiding my eyes a second time, "Ali, this is Renae, my second in command, she'll show you around." Rhysand finishes before Renae can reply to his request - no doubt daring to deny.

Despite the hint of reluctance I got from Renae, she straightens her posture and turns toward the hallway that Cassian marched through moments ago. I lower my head in a respectful bow once more to my new High lord and lady before scuttling after my tour guide.

The endless, winding hallways are surprisingly well-lit and decorated exquisitely with expensive tapestries, souvenirs and trinkets of all kinds that could provide for my family and many others all over Prythian. I'm not envious of their clearly large net worth, I've never been the type, I find their home delightful, and why not show off a little?

My fingers trail the cool metal of the handrail that spirals along the staircase and admire the finely chosen art on the walls.

"Feyre painted these with her very hands." Renae's soft, lilting voice pierces the silence - her face is a picture of admiration for her High lady, and nothing more.

We pass a few more closed doors - all inviting my curious soul to explore later - and eventually stop outside one identical to the others - stars carved into the wooden doorframe.

"Here you are. My room is across the hall," she points two doors down on the other side, "the others are in different wings entirely. If you need anything- a tour of Velaris perhaps - feel free to knock." She smiles but behind the pearly teeth and glistening eyes I can't help but feel unwelcome.

"Can I ask you something?" A gentle inclination of her head, raven tresses falling to the sides of her face. "Where's Mor, Amren and Feyre's sisters?"

"You do know a lot about this court," she trails off in thought before gathering herself, "Nesta and Elain have their own houses and businesses to be dealing with at this moment and Amren and Mor are taking advantage of their lovers and exploring the world."

Travelling with the person you love doesn't sound too bad at this moment in time.

"My turn to ask a question: what exactly makes you so special that Feyre and Rhys would want to hire you?" The icy wind of the Winter court never burnt my cheeks as much as her words just did.

"I'm a very good healer, I assure you." I smile warmly, hoping to melt some of the ice.

Renae says nothing else and instead turns on her heals and marches down the hall into her assigned room.

With nothing else to do, I glide into my own room, only to drop my luggage at the sight of what has been given to me- to live in. I knew it would be beautifully decorated with colours and patterns accentuating the room perfectly, but I didn't let my imagination run this wild.

The bathtub alone is the size of my bed back home and the fireplace is way bigger than the oddly shaped (and way too large) one in the cottage - and this is just for a guest bedroom, the mind aches thinking about the size of the main room's fireplace.

The bed could fit my entire family -and more -with money to provide us for weeks with the clearly expensive silk sheets dotted with lace stars.

The sight of the bed makes my feet ache instantly and I lean back against the door to close it fully, before ploughing my head into the plump, airy pillows - groaning in satisfaction.

Sleep drags me under instantly and I don't resist - I don't plan on ever leaving this heavenly mattress.


I wake to find the sun's rays pushing through the lace curtains - hitting every corner of the room with the crisp, comforting light of morning sun. I slept through the rest of yesterday and last night, the ache in my feet and spine had vanished and I sprawled out over the top of the duvet - laughing to myself.

I wash up quickly and throw on the outfit that appeared out of nowhere atop my suddenly made bed - choosing not to think too much into it.

"She's alive!" Cassian smirks as I join everybody at the dining table - Nesta and Elain have surprisingly joined us and everyone laughs or smirks at Cassian's remark.

"Good morning everyone." I smile awkwardly - still surprised I'm actually here, in the place of Adara's dreams, for me.

"I trust you slept well?" Rhysand grabbed my attention as I lowered myself into the dining chairs - clearly made for the large Illyrians at the table.

"I should hope so." Ren murmured from across me, with no way of knowing whether I should've heard that so I turned back to Rhysand and nodded - adding a smile for good measure.

"We all have a few errands we need to run through and I would prefer it if you settle into Velaris and our home before we get you into any work." Rhysand begins.

"I could cancel my first class to give you a tour if you'd like?" Feyre interrupts our conversation.

"Oh that won't be necessary, I didn't come here to interrupt your important schedules." A snort comes from the other side of the table and my imagination immediately jumps to the conclusion that Renae has another remark.

However, I was too soon to judge as it is Cassian who caused the interruption."Trust me, teaching little Fae children how to paint isn't too important."

Feyre gives Cassian a vulgar gesture and I try to hide the smile creeping up my cheeks. If any of us were to do that back home Adara would make us go without supper or sleep outside on the streets.

"Honestly it's no problem at all, I can get someone to take over my shift."

I'm about to decline when a soft voice split through the private conversation.

"I'll give the tour." I turn to the owner of the lilting voice - knowing exactly who it belongs to before our eyes even meet. Renae. "I only have training with Azriel planned today and I'm sure missing one session won't affect him."

Another snort, this time from the shadowsinger. I can't believe Renae actually made some sort of joke, I didn't think she'd be the type for humour. Ali, don't lower yourself to pettiness, you've only had one conversation with this female, at least have the tour and then judge her or not.

"Ok, sure." I blush as my voice comes out nothing more than a squeak, compared to their raspy, warrior-like tones.

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