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"She knows. She heard everything." I pace the room, four pairs of eyes staring at me the entire time.

"She doesn't know everything," Feyre attempts to reassure me, "I mean we didn't say her name- did we?"

"Do I look I would know? I am stressing so much, my mind is racing and I don't get to find out what she heard without sounding too paranoid and sick."

"Is it so bad if she does know?" Rhys questions and I snap my neck in his direction causing him to cower in his own shadows.

"Yes it's bad!"

"But why?"Cassian dares to challenge, he isn't so easy to back down.

"How would you react? Oh hey Alirra! By the way, I know we've just met but you're my mate now and basically tied to me forever whether you like it or not." I shout hysterically and they all give me the same concerned look I've received since I told them the first time.

"Ren, breathe. You need to tell her-" I open my mouth to interrupt Feyre and object but she holds up a hand to silence me, "she might know, yes, and she might not. Either way, that girl is confused about what she heard and has questions that only you can answer — with the truth."

She gives me glare that makes us all shiver and back down from an argument instantly. I nod but roll my eyes to let her know I'm not at all happy about the idea.

"I just– what if she reacts badly?"

"She will." Cassian answers for her and we all give him a glare, everyone wondering why he chose now to anger me. "I just mean, nobody would react well to this news so sudden. Look at Feyre, she knew Rhys for a while and still kicked his arse when she found out.

"I don't want you to stress too much about how she'll react–"

"Too late." I grumble and slouch into a chair.

"How about you stop complaining and tell her the truth and find out how she'll react?" Feyre raises an eyebrow assertively and once again I cower at the glare.


I arrive back home just as the sun creeps behind the horizon and the moonlight helps lighten the room along with little faelights.

I want nothing more than to pass out on top of the mattress and bury my face in its soft covers. However, before I get the chance to close my eyes, a gentle tap caresses the other side of my door.

"Come in." Just loud enough for them to hear and not wake anybody else up– depending on whether anybody else is actually sleeping here tonight.

Renae's familiar figure appears in the doorway, the moonlight making her strong, feminine features glow. She stalks over to the chest across from my bed and leans against it.

Her eyes blend into the darkness behind her– almost causing shivers to tickle my spine. Her arms cling to the edge of the chest behind her– calluses in her fingers and shadows of veins are accentuated by the moonlight casting shadows over her hands.

"Everything ok?" I begin after a few moments of silence.

"Did you read your letter?" I provide a clear nod in response, "what did it say?" I can tell her thoughts are elsewhere and these questions are a means of stalling, but I could talk about my family anytime.

"Adara wants to visit." I laugh and remember her specific words were along the lines of: make sure Rhysie has a room cleaned for me.

"I'm sure we could arrange a meeting for the two of you– or more if you'd prefer." I give her a wide and forever grateful smile.

A Court of Lies and Secrets | ACOTAR fanfic [Girl x Girl]Where stories live. Discover now