Human Protectors

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"Rhys!" Renae shouts repeatedly down the halls.

Atop that round table, my hands travelled comfortably across Renae's face- her body. My mind completely at ease with no thoughts of the bond or fate ruining it. We almost went too far before I started feeling slightly uncomfortable and not at all prepared for it.

Renae seemed fine with stopping so far into it, but I got the sense she was slightly frustrated which I hope is mainly because of Rhysand's decision to keep the two of us in the Night court whilst everybody storms into Montsere blindly to find the kidnapped humans and return them safely.

Renae follows her instincts perfectly to track down the High Lord and flies inside a room without hesitation, which I follow afterward like a little duckling.

We end up inside Rhys and Feyre's bedroom which seems a little too private for a newbie like myself to waltz into uninvited. However, Renae doesn't seem to mind interrupting and the High Lord and Lady have all of their attention on the flustered, slender female before them.

"I know every bit of that land and it's buildings like the back of my hand and I can get every one of your soldiers in and out without a trace," she begins and Rhys raises a hand to stop her but his second just ploughs through the silent order, "the fact you would keep me here instead of using me as a tool in this hopeless plan is ridiculous."

"Are you done?" He tries to intervene.

"Not at all. Marching into their lands without a decent plan, or a map of the territory or any better way out that flying is worse than a death wish."


"You'll regret keeping me here once you start a war with them or lose your soldiers of more human lives to them or perhaps lose the trust of what little humans you have left-"

"If you'd let me speak- are you done?"

"No- well, yes."

"You can comes. Get ready, we set of at sunset." She nods, showing no sign of her satisfaction, and turns to leave the room.

"Just for future reference, when should I have stopped?"

"You had me on board at you being a tool." Feyre and I snort an unexpected laugh and Rhys smirks at his smart-ass comment.

Renae only nods a single time and continues to leave the room which I again follow behind.

We spend the rest of the day running through the city to gather fae and weapons of all forms- taking extra precautions if the worst happens tonight. Renae spends the day with Rhys, Feyre and the human protectors in hopes of coming up with a fool-proof plan that pleases each of them. I wished her luck before she left, knowing full well that particular group of people would drive her mad given the chance.

As effective as Renae was with convincing Rhys to let her tag along to Montesere, he wasn't however, willing to let me join. I was fine with his plan of having me stay and help (yet again) heal the humans in the camp. Renae wasn't thrilled about the plan. Rhys won that battle.

So whilst everybody in the court gathered weapons for Montesere, I gathered my usual healing supplies to winnow into the main human camp.

Three of the four camps were burnt to ash by Iagan and Ginerva, leaving the main camp (and the biggest) unscathed. Despite its size, the main camp is apparently struggling to fit the extra inhabitants.

Winnowing into the centre of the main camp was a bit mistake– the second my feet feel the ground form beneath them, the bustling crowds of injured and dying humans carried on blankets or in bags or hidden beneath sheets all being carried by healers and other helping fae.

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