The Tour

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"Are you ready, healer?" Renae's voice bounces off the walls of my bedroom, even through the large door.

Despite cleaning myself up this morning, I know Adara would want me to look my best, to give my best first impressions. It's the least I can do after all she has done for me.

Opening the door wider than enough, Renae stands leaning on the doorframe in the same Illyrian leathers - she had no doubt awoken this morning excited for her training with Azriel, only to be stuck with the newbie.

For the first time since I'd arrived, her eyes met mine and lingered slightly before taking in my outfit as a whole. I gulped at the inspection - praying that I didn't look too much like a Winter court outsider.

Her mouth opens slightly as if to state something about my appearance - closing it again before any words escaped. My heart beats ever so slightly faster as she inclines her head - indicating for us to get going.

"So what do you know about Velaris?" Her rasping voice echos around the elegantly decorated walls. It appears Cassian told everyone of my advanced knowledge of them all.

"Not much, just that Rhysand had kept it hidden for some time, only to open it up for those in need."

She nods her head once - intimidating grace. "So what do you know about me?"

"I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure." She turns her head slightly and stares me down until I avert my eyes, cheeks reddened.

"I didn't fight in the war."

"I didn't think so. So where were you?" She adjusts her posture and picks at an invisible speck of dust on the arm of her leathers.

"Let's begin with the tour."

In a swift and powerful movement she wraps her arms around my back and under my legs before pushing off of the balcony and summoning large, Illyrian-looking wings.

The journey wasn't as graceful as Cassian's flying - but I guess I slept through most of that journey anyways.

We land in the centre of the bustling Velaris. Cafes and shops of all kinds yelling advertisement for their expensive jewels, tapestries and exotic foods that I haven't had the pleasure of even hearing about.

Bunting hung from building to building, cascading down faelight poles and matching colour palates with the stalls placed alongside the Sidra.

The second my feet touch the cobblestone path I wander through the crowds of Fae and High Fae of all kinds, pushing my way through towards the stalls - stopping in front of one, particularly overly-decorated, it's surface lined with delicate jewels and bangles, necklaces and cuffs, crowns and rings of all materials and patterns. How anybody could ever afford these prices, I had no idea.

"Who would have guessed that you only care for jewels." A familiar voice mumbles into my ear. I turn to defend myself - to explain that as beautiful as they are, I would never pay such prices for a trinket as these.

The look on Renae's face stops my defensive comeback immediately- she's smiling? The dimples lining the corners of her mouth and the glistening stars in her eyes, dancing and playing in the darkness of her iris.

"And you? What do you like?" I move away from the stall, letting others behind me get a better look at what they have to offer.Renae doesn't answer and I begin to think she never heard me.

Her slender body ploughs through the crowd with her head held high as if she knows her place. It seems as if the others know her power too - like they're afraid of her - as everybody in her path scuttles away without ever meeting her eyes– those intimidating voids.

I just follow behind before the parted crowd rejoins after her. Tracing her footsteps and admiring each brick and banner of Velaris– occasionally looking at the clear blue waters beside the stalls, running to the Cauldron knows where.

Renae never once turns her head to check if I've wondered off like Little Kit when Adara brings him along to the markets around Solstice. She holds her head up in the same position– never looking down or behind her.

Eventually she stops and leans against the barrier of a bandstand– pulled us away from the bustling crowds. I copy her position and look out over the entire town, people everywhere, sat at cafes and restaurants, walking into shops for clothes or souvenirs, and walking out with more than they bargained.

"This is what I like." Renae finally answers my question. I look up at her and see her glittering eyes inspecting Velaris like mine were moments ago - watching the people of her court live their lives.

My eyes are immediately attracted to a young blond female being followed by her youngsters– like ducklings– reminding me of my family back home and breaking my heart.

"I'm very happy I found my home," I'm about to ask her where she was during the war again, but before I open my mouth to do so, she beats me to it, "I also like books." She smiles at me and my heart warms as my smile grows along my face.

"Me too!"

She laughs and hangs her head, looking down at the water running beneath the stand, beneath our feet. "So not jewels?"

"Afraid not. I didn't have much money back home, so I grew up without the fancy trinkets, so I guess they don't interest me anymore- never did. " I catch a glimpse of grief in her eyes before she looks back at her home and the look vanishes.

"You hungry?" I suddenly remember not eating since I left the Winter court and my stomach grumbles in response.


After eating at a large and overly-expensive restaurant that Renae claimed I had to try before any other place in Velaris, she continues the tour and showed me many of the town's beautiful and devastating features, introducing anybody she new and buying us a book each from her favourite stall. She praises herself - stating that the libraries in Rhysand's and Feyre's houses are stocked with the finest novels in Prythian because of her.

After the sun hides behind the horizon and the Faelights along the Sidra light up every cobblestone, Renae leaps into the skies to take us back to the House of Wind.

"Where is everyone?" I whisper into the blackness of the room, just making out Renae's figure from the moonlight outside.

"Feyre and Rhys have their own place, as do Nesta and Elain. Nobody likes the House of Wind so they're all staying at the town house instead. It's just you and I." In the blink of an eye the room is dimly lit with little Faelights and Renae's eyes are the darkest thing in the room as usual.

"How come you aren't Winter's healer?" She breaks the silence along with our eye contact.

"Kallias has plenty of healers working for him, I just did favours for my neighbours every now and then when they couldn't afford the works of professionals. That's kind of what my family is about - helping those who need it most."

"Tell me about them." Her voice is a whisper as if we weren't the only ones in this large mansion of the High lord and lady's. I join her on the chevron she's sprawled her slender body across - making herself comfortable in her home.

"Adara - she brought me up, taught me everything I know about everything and took in dozens after me, helped anybody who needed or asked. Little Kit is especially my favourite, so sweet for such a young boy. I miss them all. Is there any way I could write to them?"

"Of course, any letters you want sending out, I can take care of them for you."

I smile at her selflessness and decide I definitely enjoy her company. "Adara would like you," I whisper before standing and escorting myself to my room.



"Sleep well."

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