08. The CIA

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  IT SEEMED THAT EVERYONE was holding their breath at that moment, anticipating what Wyatt would say. The shock on his face morphed into a sinister smile. "Well, I'll be happy to," He snapped his fingers and the men holding Rosalie began dragging her towards the armoured truck.

"No!" Yelena shouted, trying to run to her, but Rosalie shook her head. As much as Yelena disliked it, this, in one way or another, was the plan. The camera hidden within Rosalie's vest was recording a feed directly linked to Steve, Nat, and Sam. Wyatt had already incriminated himself, it was just a matter of getting the video to someone she could trust.

As Yelena backed off, Wyatt smirk. "That's right. Run along, Belova, and I'll choose to ignore that you were here."

"You will never get away with this," Yelena growled, her eyes narrowed to slits.

"Oh," Wyatt faked pouted, tilted his head like some innocent puppy. "I already have," He turned to the soldiers, eyes locking with Rosalie's. "It's time to go. Hurry and load her up!"

Rosalie held her head high as she was pulled painfully towards the armoured truck."I'll see you soon!" She called to Yelena, smiling wide. She could show no fear to Wyatt or Yelena for that matter. She had to be fearless, strong, even if deep within her, she was utterly terrified. She was ruffly pushed into the back of the truck and two men joined her. Before the doors closed, she caught one last sight of Yelena, standing alone, tears running down her face. Silly girl, Rosalie shook her head. This was all part of the plan.

  Yelena watched as the truck, followed by four cars left the plaza. Yes, the plan was for Rosalie to be taken, but it was also the riskiest part. There was no guarantees that she would be safe without any of the others to protect her. And yes, Yelena knew she was more than capable to take care of herself, but the thought of something happening because she wasn't there — it was too painful. Once the last car rounded the corner and disappeared, she took off running. "Irina!" She pressed down on her comms. "Meet me back at base!" It was the fastest she had ever ran. She didn't wait for Irina, she booked it up the twenty-plus flights of stairs and pounded on the door until Natasha opened in. "Let me see!" She pushed past her sister to the TV screen, where the feed Rosalie was broadcasting was showing.

"Yelena, calm down," Natasha told her sternly, leaving the door open as a tired Irina shuffled through. "She's fine."

"Her being kidnapped is not fine!" Yelena huffed as she sat squarely in front of the screen, legs crossed like a child.

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