17. With Every Life Comes a Death

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  FIVE YEARS HAD COME and gone, half of the universe's population still dusted away. Life still went on for the people who survived, but it wasn't without its hardships. Irina rarely saw Yelena, if ever, but she had moved in with Marcus. The choice for him to move into her place or for her to go to his was surprisingly easy. The flat she shared with Rosalie held too many good memories, too many reminders of what she lost. So she moved across the country to New York City, into Marcus's two-bedroom apartment.

It was a sunny day when she revived a call from Yelena — the first one in a year and a half. "Hello?" Irina answered, confused.

"...Irina..." Yelena breathed. She sounded shocked.

"What?" Irina felt her annoyance slip through. "Why are you calling me? I assumed you wanted nothing to do with me anymore."

Yelena gulped. "No...it's just...you need to see the news."


"Just do it!" Yelena snapped.

Irina jumped at the sudden yell but reached over to grab the TV remote anyway. She clicked it lazily, watching as the screen lit up. As she read the headline, she nearly dropped the phone. THE BLIPPED RETURN.

"H-How?" She choked out.

"The Avengers..." Yelena shuddered. Her voice cracked and soon Irina heard sniffling. "I tried contacting Natasha. None of them are picking up..." She shuddered again as she took a deep breath. "Irina...she's back."

Ending her call with Yelena, Irina quickly dialled Rosalie's old number. She couldn't bring herself to delete it in those five years without her. It picked up after one ring. There was silence. "R-Rose?" Irina asked hopefully.

"Rina? What's going on? Where are you?" Rosalie's voice came through clear as day. Irina let out a scream of shock as she dropped her phone. "Irina? Are you okay? Are you dying?"

Tears were flowing down her face — she couldn't believe it. After years of believing she'd never see her love again, she was back, concerned for only Irina, as always. "Rose!" She sobbed. "Stay where you are! I'm coming!" Picking her phone back off the ground, she grabbed only her purse as she ran out of the apartment. She called Marcus, who had a CIA jet prepared for them. It almost felt like a cheesy Rom-Com to Irina as she raced across the country for her true love.

When they finally arrived at her old flat, they could hear Fanny barking, the sound alone making more tears fall from Irina's eyes. But then she heard Rosalie, even clearer than she was on the phone. Her knees nearly gave out on her. Her heart pounded out of her chest as the door unlocked and Rosalie stepped outside. She looked the same as she did the day she turned to dust. Her black hair was still shining and her eyes were still bright.

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