13. Reunion

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SOFT, GOLDEN SUNLIGHT POURED through the window as Rosalie softly stirred. She squinted tiredly in the bright light. Lazily, she turned her head to check the time, seeing 8:00 on the clock. Time to get up, she sighed. As she moved to sit up, the arm that loosely hung around her waist tightened and pulled her back into bed. Rosalie chuckled softly as Irina nuzzled her nose into the back of her neck.

"Not yet," She mumbled in Russian, holding Rosalie in place.

Rosalie smiled, rubbing Irina's arm softly as she slowly allowed herself to become comfortable again. "Yelena is expecting us in an hour. We have to get up, my love," In response, Irina merely grunted, tightening her grip even more on Rosalie's waist. "Rina..." Rosalie groaned playfully. "I want to see my best friend. It's been six months," She nudged Irina, giving her the space to turn and face her girlfriend. "Please," She mustered the best possible puppy-dog eyes she could.

Irina stared at her lazily, groaning quietly. "Fine," She pulled her arm off of Rosalie, a small smile playing on her lips. "But you owe me later,"

Rosalie giggled. "Of course," She quickly pecked Irina's lips before removing the comforter and sliding out of bed. The soft carpet were nice on her feet as she trekked her way to the living room and then the kitchen. She slowly made breakfast, scrambling eggs and roaring crumpets. "Can you get the coffee?" She asked Irina as she walked into the kitchen.

"Of course, Angel," Irina nodded, heading for the coffee pot. They worked together harmoniously in the kitchen, sitting on their small love seat once the food was done. "Where are we meeting Yelena, again?"

Rosalie took a long sip of her coffee before answering. "Up at the dog park. She just got that golden retriever, remember?"

Irina perked up at the mention of a dog. "Oh, yes!" She clapped her hands excitedly.

Rosalie chuckled and shook her head lightly. "Seems like you're more excited to seen Fanny than Yelena..." She teased. Irina blushed, rolling her eyes. She quickly drank the remainder of her coffee to hide her darkening cheeks. "Aw, did I embarrass you?" Rosalie said in a baby voice, poking her side playfully.

"Stop!" Irina laughed, raising from her seat quickly. "I'm eating over here," She jokingly stomped to the kitchen island. "You're annoying,"

Rosalie dramatically grabbed her heart. "I'm crushed," She smirked, the two of them falling into fits of giggles. When the laughing subsided and Rosalie caught her breath, she sighed, taking a bite of her eggs.

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