09. Bumps In The Road

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THE COLD METAL TABLE wasn't exactly comfortable, but that didn't stop Rosalie from falling asleep on it. With her head rested in her arms, she snored soundly, swept away into a dream world where nothing bad ever happens. But a dream is not reality. "Rise and shine!" The door swung open and Rosalie jumped awake. Killian strutted into the room, smiling smugly. "Your lawyer is here."

"Ugh," Rosalie rubbed her tired eyes. "I thought you weren't allowed in here?"

Killian laughed. "I'm allowed everywhere, regardless of what Mr. Pretty Boy Marcus tells you,"

"Excuse me, but I would like to talk with my client," A male voice said from behind Killian. He looked over his shoulder and sneered, but stepped aside. Rosalie heard light tapping as a man wearing red-tinted glasses and a cane walked in. Her lawyer was...blind? "Matthew Murdock, ma'am," He stuck his hand out for her to shake as he sat down. "And this is my partner, Franklin Nelson." A slightly chubbier man walked in behind him. Rosalie also shook his hand.

"Call me Foggy," He smiled kindly.

"I'm told you personally asked to represent me?" She questioned, tilting her head.

"That's right," Matt nodded.

"Why?" She asked plainly.

Matt sighed. "Because we believe in this case, Ms. Mai. We believe in your innocence,"

Rosalie paused. She felt strange. These complete strangers wanted to help her simply because they believed in her — it felt...good. "Wow..." Rosalie breathed. "T-Thank you."

"Don't thank us yet," Foggy shook his head. He pulled out a large pile of files from his bag and plopped it on the table. Rosalie's eyes widened.

"What is that?" She reached out to touch the stack.

"Everything we have on you and proof that your innocent," Matt told her. "Take a look."

Rosalie raised a brow. "Why?"

Foggy huffed, pushing the pile towards her. "Just do it..."

Rosalie took it apprehensively. "Okay..." She looked at them with confusion before opening the first file. Immediately, something stuck out to her. A bright yellow sticky note with bold black letters etched into it. Melina sent us. Go along with it. It all made sense. Rosalie contained her smile and the happiness that filled her at the thought of Melina. The next time she saw that woman she was giving her a hug.

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