Cap. 1

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Act one: Brett

A special day doesn't tell you that it is special. Unless you know that you're going to do something out of the ordinary, a special day begins like a normal day. The trees swing in the wind like the usually do, the birds chirp like they usually do, and the sun creeps through the curtains like it usually does. A normal shower followed by a normal breakfast. You don't expect that your best friend shows up at your door with a giant bouquet of red roses declaring his love for you.

For absurd that it might seem Brett woke up to this that morning. He was sipping his usual coffee with his usual biscuits when the doorbell rang. He kinda expected to be his best friend Eddy, because it was the only person that logically could show up at that hour at his house. The thing he didn't expect were the stuffs he had brough that morning: they were youtubers, and Eddy was in charge for taking care of the tripod and the camera, but in his hands, there was not the usual black bag, there was a giant bouquet of red roses, and also his clothes were not the usual merch top and random pants, it was a suit.

Brett: "Hem...did we had to film something special today?"

He asked blushing like a tomato. The fact is this: Brett could maybe or maybe not be in love with Eddy, or to be more precise, desperately in love with Eddy. He didn't remember when it actually started but one day, he woke up to a common day and it turned out to be one of those special days: the light coming from the curtains gently caressing Eddy's features making him look like a Greek god, a sight that he had seen millions of times but that time, his heart stopped.

Eddy: "No...I just wanted to surprise the love of my life"

Ok, this was strange...why his super-straight best friend would want to make something like this to him? I mean in Brett's head Brett was Brett: short, pale, with glasses and a mediocre talent for the violin, why Eddy a tall, beautiful, funny, sweet, talented, basically-god, should make something like this? Also, in Brett's opinion if Eddy would ever want to start tasting something on the male side, the first choice would not be his shitty best friend.

But now he was in front of his door with the bouquet and a suit that was making strange effects in Brett's trousers and if he didn't find an explanation and quick, the strange effect could be visible soon.

Brett: "Do you have a date soon and you want my opinion?"

Eddy: "You don't understand right?"

He said chuckling and making a step in Brett's direction. The shorter violinists didn't have the time to protest as the Greek god in front of him placed the bouquet in his hands and a peck on his cheek.

Brett: "I...I...hem"

Eddy: "It's always been you, Brett. All those girls I used to date were just a patch on a broken heart...broken for you, broken in the conviction that you would have never see me that way. But now I can't contain my emotions anymore: I love you and I don't care if you don't love me back, because I know that our friendship is stronger than this, and that we will find a way to go on even if your heart belongs to someone else"


It's not that Brett didn't dream of this every night, is that now it felt so real that actually processing that the love of his life reciprocates was a little too much to handle in so few seconds. But perhaps his heart decided to move his body before the brain had the time to protest and grabbed Eddy with his free hand by the neck and pulled him down to kiss him strongly and firmly on the lips.

Strange...he had always imagined their first kiss to taste like heaven not like laundry detergent...wait, what is this noise?

Brett opened his eyes and spat out the pillowcase that was stuck in his teeth. The alarm of his phone was ringing furiously on his bedside table.

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