Cap. 10

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Act two: Eddy

Oh. Dang. This was not good. This was really far from being good.

Let's put it in this way: you're hard because your best friend decided to make a prank that should have been innocent. And it was innocent, but Eddy's mind decided otherwise. In a nutshell: he was fucked.

He still didn't know how he managed to cover the little problem in his trousers by putting the wig he had on his head on his lap, but he did, and now he had to endure it till Brett would have gone home.

Why on earth a simple kiss on the cheek made as a joke because you're interpreting the queen Edwina Chen should make this effect on him?

The answer is the problem: he loved Brett. He desperately loved Brett. And finding out this way was not pleasing. Brett is his best friend, the person he cannot live without, how can he ruin their friendship when he knows Brett does not reciprocate? Especially now that he knew that Brett was his someone special. Well not technically his but still.

And this problem gave also another question: he always knew he was straight, he had dated dozens of girls, and he was fairly good between sheets. Sure, with none of those girls that 'something' had clicked but he just thought that he didn't met the right one yet.

This explained a lot of things, but it was difficult dealing with it, and not because he feared to be gay, but because he feared to be something different from what he used to know about himself, and this was a little scarry at the beginning. Just imagine one day waking up and find out you like something that before didn't bothered you but neither gives some feelings to you, it's surely something that can surprize you, and in some situations scare you, and give many questions.

The way Eddy decided to deal with these doubts was, hem, questionable. Let's just say that speaking with a psychologist would have been better than going to a different gay pub every Saturday to see if he could, hem, experience new things with the first handsome guy that approached him.

Despite the questionable behaviour, he was able to understand that maybe the only male he really wanted to kiss was indeed Brett. He liked making out with men better than with girls and he quite like the feeling of the first blowjob he had ever made, and for sure he liked the feeling of the first one he had ever received.

Did he feel dirty after those meeting in the restrooms? Yes, a lot. But he wanted to do those experiences, he wanted to know if he really liked it. He was living a strange existential crisis, always in the need for answers and it was there that Austin arrived.

As usual after the umpteenth time he went in the bathrooms with the stranger in charge for that night he found himself on the dance floor drinking the night away. And this time he had a reason extra: that stranger went a little too further. He was making out with him when he felt the stranger's fingers inside him, he immediately pulled apart but it was too late and the trauma made its way in his gut and all he wanted was to forget.

When he woke up the next morning he was not in his bed and not at his home. It was not Brett's place neither, but he was dressed and this comforted him a little. After some minutes inspecting the door opened and a tall guy entered with some pain killers and a glass of water

Austin: "Oh you're awake"

He said with a sweet voice. Eddy watched as the guy entered the room and handed him the tablets and the water

Eddy: "Thank you..."

Austin: "No problem"

He answered with a big smile. He didn't know this man but his head was killing him, so he trusted the tablets to be right ones, and not some strange kind of drugs, and drowned the water with them

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