Cap. 3

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!WARNING!: Sexual content, dubious consent ahead 

Brett: "So, how did you guys meet?"

He asked while scooping the pasta he had prepared with a big spoon. Austin was sitting across from Brett and was just being there and being the perfect person he is, or to be more precise the perfect 'boyfriend' he is, making Brett want to puke just being what he had always wished to be for Eddy. He should be happy that his best friend found such a loving and caring person, but that feeling that in Austin place should be him was difficult to get rid of.

Austin: "The classic way: in a gay bar with an existential crisis, and very drunk"

Eddy: "Wow, thanks for the positive description honey"

Austin: "Oh Ed, you also don't  remember how you got up in my bed the day after"

We will talk about Ed later, because the priority now, that made Brett almost choke on his rigatoni was the fact that Eddy woke up the next day in the bed of an unknown person.

Eddy: "Yeah, that's true I was pretty, messed up..."

Brett: "So is this that you meant with 'I've been thinking recently'"

Austin: "Is that what he told you?"

Brett: "Yeah, he told me that he finally understood why with all those girls never worked out"

Austin: "Well, he found a good way to deal with it, or better he found a good way to make an innocent guy bring him practically dead weight for two miles, and sleep on the couch"

The simple notion that they didn't make anything that night made Brett sigh internally. He knew form their previous talk that Eddy was still a virgin on the male side, but the connection was too strong

Brett: "Hope he offered you a dinner after this"

Eddy: "Hey! I did more than this!"

Brett: "You did?"

Eddy: "Yes, I bought him a bouquet of roses and I booked in the fanciest restaurant in the city!"

Austin eyed him like Sheldon does when Leonard tells something stupid or obvious, making Brett frown back at the blonde guy like asking what he meant by that

Austin: "I'm allergic to roses and the restaurant had lost our reservation"

Brett bursted into laughing after the defeated face Eddy made

Eddy: "But you cannot say that I didn't try!"

Pouted the taller violinist receiving a peck on his pout by his bf.

Austin: "I have to admit that the McDonald we had later was astronomical"

Brett: "McDonald?"

He asked between laughter, not seeing their little kiss

Austin: "Yeah it was the only place open, after we had wandered on foot for two hours because the uber we had called disappeared"

The face Brett had made was probably something really close to the one a person make every time Hilary hits the high b flat in the first movement of Sibelius: pure astonishment.

Austin: "Despite the terrible first date, I called him back: he had forgotten his jacket at my house and when we met, he explained to me his situation, all the things he was going through...he had been himself for once and not pretending to act like he was the most confident in this field, and I decided to give him a chance"

His big lucent eyes were glued on Eddy on the last part like the image of that broken guy, that Brett could only imagine, was again on front of him

Eddy: "And now he is helping me to discover this new thing little by little..."

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