Cap. 7

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He had always loved this tree avenue. What made it so special? Well, many things: the trees were tall and with lots of leaves, ideal for a hot day in summer to find some fresh air, and it was very large so that you could avoid people that were walking on the other side easily. In autumn the trees covered in all the sweet colour of the season and they let just few rays of sun peep through, creating a magical atmosphere. It was also near a river, giving all the people that decided to stop by one of the many benches the calming sound of water in background.

But the thing Brett loved so much about this place were the long afternoons spent with Eddy busking in the middle of the avenue. It was tradition for them to go busk on Saturday afternoon and buy a bubble tea with a part of the money people decided to leave in their cases.

So, when Eddy asked him if he wanted to go have bubble tea with him and some friends at their usual place at the end of the avenue, he was more than happy.

He was waiting for them outside the place scrolling though Instagram, when he noticed Eddy from afar.

Eddy: "Yo man!"

Brett: "Hey, where's the others?"

Eddy made a face like he was covering something and tried to hide a blush

Eddy: "They couldn't make it at the end"

Brett: "Oh...I guess that's only you and me then"

He replied with a smile. Eddy made the few steps before the door and they entered the place. After getting their usual drinks they headed out on the avenue to find their favourite bench and took a sit

Eddy: "Oh yeah 'our bench', I love this spot"

Brett: "Yeah, do you remember when we used to come here after busking? We were so proud of our little gaining back in the days"

Eddy: "Yeah, I remember I bought a new shoulder-rest with the money we made"

Brett: "Oh yeah, I remember it and I bought a new tuner and a couple of rosins"

Eddy: "Perfect pitch gang, no need for a new tuner!"

He said mocking

Brett: "Oh sure, sorry if I'm a poor plebian that needs a tuner!"

He answered in the same tone laughing with Eddy at the end

Eddy: "So many memories on this bench Brett..."

Brett: "Dude, why so nostalgic all of a sudden?"

He asked a little concerned

Eddy: "It's that I suddenly remembered how many times I was about to...confess everything to you..."

He added almost in a whisper

Eddy: "Would you like to make a new memory on this bench?"

He asked leaning forward till his face was just few centimetres away from Brett's. the shorter violinist was blushing violently and had a hard time to collect his thoughts above the answer at Eddy's question that was trying to make its way out with a loud

Brett: "Yes..."

Eddy closed the distance between them and that wonderful sweet taste filled his lips again. When they pulled apart they were both out of air and grasping onto each other's t-shirt with their bubble teas long forgotten on the bench near them

Brett: "Be honest there were not supposed to be other people today..."

Eddy chuckled looking briefly down before gluing his gaze on Brett again and pull him into a proper kissing hug by the waist

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