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Brett could have been anywhere by now and he had no way to contact him since he forgot his phone at his place. He quickly climbed his car and started the engine.

First place: Brett's house. He let himself in with the hidden key and looked in every possible place. Of course, Brett was not there.

Second place: his parents house. This was a little bit trickier. He didn't want to alarm them. Yeah, Brett was missing but it was his fault he didn't need to worry other people. But he had no choice. He parked the car in front of the house thinking of every possible excuse the man could have given him to justify his presence at his parents house with a broken nose searching for Brett.

He was about to climb down the car when his phone rang. Unknown number

Eddy: "Hello?"

Lady: "Hello, is this Edward Chen?"

Eddy: "Yeah it's me"

Lady: "We have your friend here, he passed out in front of our shop"

Eddy: "Brett???"

Lady: "Yes, him. I think you two need to talk. I'll sent you the address"

She said before closing the call

Thank God Brett was safe, but how did the lady find his phone number? He didn't particularly care in this moment since he knew where Brett was and the lady seemed to transmit a comforting aura even from the phone.

To his surprise the shop was a bubble tea place, a Tiger sugar to be precise but it looked so different from the other stores of the chain he had been in. As he entered an old lady came to greet him. He supposed was the same lady that called since she has a strong calming aura.

Lady: "Hello Edward, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

She smiled sweetly at him

Eddy: "Sorry, did we know each other?"

Lady: "Oh, I surely know you but I'm not sure you know me"

Eddy: "No, I fear I don't"

Lady: "I answered your call but you didn't see me when I come to help you"

Eddy: "Help me?"

Lady: "Yeah, you wanted to escape from Matthew, didn't you?

He thought about it for a second

Eddy: "You mean Austin, right?"

Lady: "Oh sure, you knew him with another name"

Eddy: "Yeah...I guess so...sorry but what do you mean when you said that you answered my call?"

Lady: "I mean that I accepted to help you with Brett"

Eddy: "With Brett?"

Lady: "You love him, right?"

Eddy: "Yeah, but how do you know so many things about me?"

The lady let out a warm laugh leaning on her walking stick

Lady: "You're not getting it, right?"

Eddy: "Hem...no..."

Lady: "You unconsciously called for me in your sleep, I listened for your desperate scream to free you, and I decided to help you"

She said taking a bubble tea and handing it to Eddy

Lady: "See I am what you can define...gosh, it's not that easy, hem let's say a witch, even if it's not the most correct definition. I can travel trough time and space and I am specialized in dreams. I was making one of my journeys when I heard your desperate scream, so I decided to establish here for a while and help you out, and I discovered I'm pretty good in making bubble teas, I have to consider this for my retiring, it's already 2 thousand years that I'm doing this...anyway this is not the point"

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