Cap. 4

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Despite his head planning to kill him every time he just hinted a movement Brett was able to reach the cabinet in the bathroom and take some painkillers to help him at least try to do something productive that day.

And something he did: as first thing he checked with the caretaker the cameras to know if he had exited last night and, surprize surprize: he had not. He cleaned his place up and got rid of the smelly slippers. He also decided to have a walk outside to help himself tidy his thoughts.

The problem with these new dreams was that they seemed so real but something could always make him feel like he was in a dream once woke up. Let's put it this way they were like an alternative world that lasted only for that few hours Brett was asleep. And the main consequence was Brett waking up tired and with the desire of Eddy stronger than before.

He wandered some miles without a specific destination till he found a bubble tea store. Must be his lucky day since it was Tiger Sugar. He entered the door and walked to the counter.

Brett: "One bubble tea please"

Cashier: "Sure, classic?"

Brett: "Yes, 50% sugar, less ice, thank you"

Cashier: "Alright, it'll arrive in a second, which name should I write?"

Brett: "Brett"

Cashier: "Ok, it's 4,99 $"

He gave the smiling cashier his money and a smile back and headed to one of the tables to wait for his order. It was a beautiful place, different from the other Tiger sugar's shops but still pretty well put together. It has large wood panels all around the room and many light bulbs hanged on the ceiling not set on the maximum light to give a more private atmosphere. It also had many wooden shelves with the glasses of the various bubble teas they used to sell, and some spices like pepper or cinnamon in little heaps near their jars.

Cashier: "Brett"

He shook his head out of his observation of the place and waltzed to the counter to take his order.

Brett: "Thank you"

Cashier: "Thank you and come back again"

If the tea would have been good as the entire experience so far, he would have come back for sure.

And the tea was good, even better than good it was probably the best bubble tea he had ever experienced. It has all something familiar but he couldn't quite place it, but one thing was sure he had to come here with Eddy. Without Austin, bubble tea was their thing after all.

He drank on the way home and when he entered the door, he felt different. If you ask him or Eddy walking and bubble tea should be the heal for everything, and I have to admit that it's kinda true sometimes.

He jumped in the shower and set the water on the maximum heat like he always does when he wants to get rid of possible lactic acid. He stayed in the steam for what seemed like years before jumping out and order some take away for dinner. He could have eaten the leftovers from the night before but after a day like this he didn't want anything inside him that could remind him of the night before.

(Yeah it sounded dirtier written down than in my head, but as I said I'm just a perv that tries to pass for a good girl <3)

He sank into the sofa with the ramen and switched on his favourite movie: Interstellar.

And for a prefect conclusion he closed the windows and switched off the lights before disappearing under the quilt for a long night of sleep.

Or this is what he wished, because when he opened his eyes, he felt the sensation of something warm around his lower part. When he was able to focus, he immediately recognized the place: it was the disco cabinet and the stranger was back to give him a blowjob. A shiver ran up his spine as his mind slowly took control of his limbs. This time he was not drunk, this time he could push the stranger away and took a look at the real face. Did he really want to see the stranger or he could pretend he was Eddy for some seconds more? He saw his hand reaching for the mop of black hair and gently push the head away but he stopped the stranger from looking up at him.

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