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Author's pov~

And now's the last week that Y/n can stay in this world. And if you're wondering why Jisung didn't get money from their company? Well, it got bankrupted ever since their parents passed away, and they decided to close it.

Jisung was losing hope, he hasn't found a donor yet, and he knows that Y/n has only a week left. He looked at Y/n's sleeping figure. He sighed and held her hands.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I have to do this." He said and took his phone. He went outside and started recording.


"Are you sure you're going to do this Jisung? Y/n won't be happy if you'll do it" Kun asked him.

"I'll do it hyung, I don't have any choice left. Y/n is too young to die. I've already thought about this for the past few days, and now...I'm sure that I'll do it." He said and gave Kun his phone.

"Please give this to her after the operation hyung. I recorded my last words to her..." He trailed off and broke down. Kun comforted him and Kun's tears also fell.

"You're brave Jisung, I'm not in the place to say this but..... I'm proud of you. I'm gonna miss you bud" Kun said and hugged him.

"So....should we start?" Kun asked him. Jisung was hesitant at first but nodded at the end.

"Ok hyung, but can I see my friends for the last time?". He asked and Kun nodded.

Jisung went to Y/n's room and all of their friends were there. Y/n was asleep.

"Guys? Can...I talk to you?" He nervously asked. "Sure Ji" Yumi said and smiled. He sat beside her and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry Mimi, I have to do this. Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself hm?" He said and Yumi stared at him confused.

"Wait...what? What are you talking about Ji?" She asked worriedly. "I need to do this for Y/n. I can't watch her suffer. I'll donate my liver" He said and the room went quiet.

"J-Ji, tell me you're joking" Yumi asked and she's starting to cry. "I know it's hard Yumi, but I've already decided. I want my sister to live, Just please promise me....that you'll take care of yourself and find a man who can be with you forever hm?" He sobbed and looked at the others who were also crying.

"Please take care of Y/n for me guys. She's really important to me. I hope you'll help her to move on and all. Thank you so much for everything. I love you all" He said and everybody hugged him and cried with him.

"Jisung? It's time" Kun called and Jisung sighed and looked at Yumi. "I love you Yumi. Don't forget about me hm?" He said and chuckled sadly while Yumi was crying so hard. He kissed her lips for the last time and pulled out then kissed her forehead

He stood up and went near Y/n. He squatted and took Y/n's hand carefully not to wake her up. "Pandie? You're gonna be healed now! You finally have a donor.." He sobbed and held her hands tightly.

"Take care of yourself hm? Jisung loves you so much. I'll miss you Pan" He cried and stood up then wiped his tears.

"Well, this is it guys! I'll see you on our next lives" He said and went out with Kun. Once the door closed, they cried their hearts out, especially Yumi. Taehyun hugged her and helped her to calm down.


3 hours later, Y/n woke up and saw that her friends' eyes were very puffy and they seemed to be quiet.

"Hey, why are you all crying?" She asked softly. Yumi looked at her and smiled fakely. "You already have a donor Y/n! You're operation will be in 30 minutes" She said and her voice cracked at the end.

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