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Now he was ready.

He was prepared today.

He wouldn't let Akechi win.

It was eerily calming how the words seemed to slip away as Saiki slid the ring on his finger. He walked into the cafe, with a lingering confidence. He knew that today, he would be able to read all he wanted. Even if Akechi decided to ramble on and on, which was very likely, he could ignore him easier.

This was going to be a peaceful Sunday.

It no longer surprised him to see Akechi at the counter. Today, Nakamura was working. Nakamura was not one to engage in long conversations with customers, or anyone for that manner. Her no-nonsense attitude was beneficial to Saiki. She was an older woman, so she probably just had less patience for people.

"Ah, the strawberry cake looks delicious as always! Do you like strawberry cake? I tend to-"

"Sir, please order."

Her cold scowl must've pressed the right buttons, because Akechi's talking screeched to a halt. Saiki saw his hands twitch slightly, and he couldn't help but smirk. Finally, somebody shut him up.

Saiki took his coffee and slumped in his seat.

Now he could relax.

It was like heaven, being able to read Silent Cyborg without Akechi's thoughts fogging up his manga. His wonderful, wonderful manga. It was so peaceful being able to sip his coffee and eat his jelly with no interruptions. The robust scent of the coffee swirling around his face along with the soft fabric of the chair, it felt so cozy. It was so quiet.

Too quiet.

It was unsettling.

The ring provided a sort of terrifying solace from the constant thoughts that made Saiki want to tear his hair out. But with peace came a price.

At any second, another patron could come behind him and stab him with a spoon. Maybe Nakamura would pour boiling water on him from behind. She was always bitter, he wouldn't put it past her.

Even Akechi, who seemed friendly enough, might find a way to murder him. He smiled at him the other day, but he knows what he meant by it? Maybe he was smiling to lure him into a false sense of security. He was certainly smart enough to do it.

If Saiki wanted to decode Akechi's thoughts, he had to focus his entire attention on them. And now he had his ring. For all he knew, Akechi was reading the murder mystery and taking notes as to what the killer did wrong.

This ring could kill him.

Maybe he should just take it off.


'No! I can't be a coward. I have to keep it on. It's the only way I can enjoy Si-Cy.'

He flipped open his book and started to read. Once he got used to the quiet, he could enjoy his manga easily. He could almost hear the characters voices as he read. As he ate his jelly and read his book, his surroundings started to fade away.


Saiki's heart nearly exploded. This was it. This was the end. He wouldn't even get to see the face of his killer.

"Would you like a refill on your coffee? Sir? Are you okay?"

Oh. That.

Saiki nodded and Nakamura poured him his coffee. He sighed into his cup before taking a sip.


In his nervousness, he had forgotten to sweeten his coffee. It was much too bitter as it was. He reached into the basket in the middle of the table when he heard a giggle from the other side of the room. Akechi was giggling as he took a bite of his cake. As soon as he made eye contact, his eyes darted away and traveled to his book.

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