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No, that can't be right.

After yesterday, Saiki didn't think anything would change. At least, not again.

Akechi was sitting at the table with the blue basket.

In other words, the one right next to Saiki's.

He didn't even open his eyes when Saiki walked in. He kept his eyes closed, sipping his coffee gracefully as if nothing had changed. His cake was untouched, and his book was peeking out of messenger bag on the seat next to him. Saiki wasn't sure if he always carried it. Maybe he did, and Saiki never looked at him that closely.

Saiki almost laughed.

He walked up to the counter and grabbed his sweets, as usual. He sat down and set his cup on the table, as usual. He took a bite of his coffee jelly and placed Si-Cy in his lap, as usual.

Akechi wasn't reading. He wasn't doing anything. He just sat there, staring off in to space, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. It was calming and disturbing, somehow simultaneously.


'Did you think I wouldn't notice?'

Akechi snapped out of his trance and looked over to Saiki.

"Hmm? Did you say that?"

Said, projected, same difference. Not that Akechi would know that.


Akechi smiled innocently and tilted his head to the side. He almost looked sweet in that position.


"Notice what? Is something wrong?"

Of course, there was a chance that Saiki was just being paranoid, and he was provoking a random stranger. That wasn't good either.

'You've been changing seats.'

Akechi picked up his from and placed a piece of his cake in his mouth. He chewed it slowly and thoroughly, as if to torture Saiki.

"Have I? Could you please explain in greater detail?"

What was with this guy?

'You keep changing seats. You did it yesterday, too. Are you doing it on purpose?'

Akechi set down his cup.

"Ah, I suppose you were bound to notice eventually. I'm still not entirely sure if I wanted you to notice or not. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, now that you ask. It was a little plan I came up with, and I wasn't entirely sure if it would work. It might have been beneficial to be bolder when I do these things, but I'm afraid I'm not a very confident person. Different people have different levels of overall confidence, and you can improve on it. I like to think-"

'Just answer the question.'

"Alright. Yes, I was doing it on purpose."



Akechi stood up and walked over to where Saiki was sitting.

"You've been here every time I have, starting from my first visit, four Sundays ago."

'So have you. And?'

"Well, I keep seeing you here, but I don't even know your name. I wanted to become acquainted with you. I wasn't sure if you noticed me from across the room, but I've waved to you in the past."

'I remember.'

"Good! That will make things easier. Forgive me for being so roundabout before, but would you mind if I sat with you?"

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