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"Give me a moment alone with him, I'll get it out."

Kamiya sat in his chair, trembling nervously, but he was determined to keep his mouth shut. He knew he couldn't let the world-famous "Silent Detective" crack him. He silently wondered why he was no longer being addressed by his name.

He was only Subject Z now.

Hanamura sat down in front of him, crossing his legs.

'You don't have to defend her, you know. She doesn't have the same devotion to you as you do to her. It's pointless to keep resisting. Really, it'd be easier for you and me if you just fessed up. I know you had no part in it. You get out of this scot-free.'

His mouth didn't move. It never moved. His voice only echoed in his mind, fading slowly. He had been given the nickname for this reason. ESP helped when interrogating, but since he could only read minds when he wore his ring, made of titanium, he didn't have a clue as to what he was thinking. He could tell, as his hands twitched, and his brow furrowed, that he was uneasy.

"I want my lawyer. I'm not saying a word without a lawyer."

'And why not?' said Hanamura, standing up out of his chair. 'You have no reason to keep her secret. You know she'd turn on you in an instant.'

He knew it. He knew, deep down in his heart, that she wouldn't blink before betraying her. She was a cold-blooded killer, and everyone knew. She was a master at her craft; perfectly placing the blame on him.

Subject X: Yamasaki Ami.

Subject Y: Shinoda Emiko.

Subject Z: Kamiya Shin.

They didn't even have identities anymore; they were simply accused letters.

He knew Ami was not dedicated to him. No matter how much he wished it was true, wished that she cared enough to give him more than a cold glance, when he immersed himself in her. Her life, her troubles, for years, he knew the balance was off.

But for some reason, that didn't stop him.

"There's no evidence. It doesn't matter what you heard from her mind or mine, you have no proof," he spat. "Ami won't be happy about this."

Hanamura circled around before resting his hands on the back of Kamiya's chair.

'And why the hell would I care? Make this easier for both of us.'

Kamiya clutched his shirt, the part he could with his hands cuffed.

He knew it was pointless, but she held him there. She kept him going.


Hanamura started to laugh. He laughed harder and harder, Kamiya more confused than ever, but still determined to stand his ground.

'Very well then. Hypnosis sure comes in handy as times like these. Now, hold still...'


Saiki almost didn't go to the cafe, simply because he didn't feel like it.

But he knew Akechi would be upset.

And he hated being in debt to people.

He sat down with Akechi, who seemed as chirpy as ever. It was nearly impossible not to give in to his energy.

When Akechi was happy, Saiki was happy, and when he was sad, Saiki was sad.

At least, that's what Saiki thought. He knew it couldn't just apply to him; Akechi must be a very impressionable person. He refused to believe anything else. He refused a lot of things lately, and he knew it.

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