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Suzuki stared down at the coffee pot, because she knew if she turned around, she might not be able to contain herself. Her eyes had been glued to the pot since she heard the little jingle of the bell; the bell she recommended herself when first working here, as to add character, and she knew it wasn't hard to guess who it was. She was going to have a blast telling Nakamura about it.

Miyake didn't care so much about the two until the "brave love confession", which everyone heard and everyone noticed. He didn't really need to look, because he knew who it was. He definitely wasn't as excited as Suzuki, but he was definitely going to remember this day for a long time. He knew Suzuki was going to have a blast telling Nakamura about it.

They sat down like nothing had happened. It was embarrassing, sure, but not embarrassing enough to sacrifice an entire slice of cake and cup of coffee jelly. Their things were untouched, as if everyone was expecting them to come back. Nobody had left since they stormed out of the cafe.

It felt like when a child throws a tantrum in a grocery store, and nobody can look away because they're mesmerized by not only the intolerable screeching, but also by the parent's reaction.

They were the children and the parent at the same time.

'Those two are back? After what happened?'

'So, they're braver than I could ever be.'

'Talky and Glasses, sitting in a tree!'


'Talky and Glasses...?'

"Kusuo-kun, I think they're staring at us. Normally, I would especially mind attention, but under these circumstances, I'm beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. It's expected, after what happened, but I can't help being bothered by it. This will make it hard to eat my cake." Akechi whispered.

'Sorry, that's my fault. I guess I could've been a bit more discrete.'

"It's okay. I could never be mad at you, Kusuo-kun. But, well, you can't say the same about me, now can you?"


They sat down in their seats and placed their books in their laps, ignoring the whispers from the customers.

"Hey, Kusuo-kun?"


"What are they thinking? Is it about us? Is it really embarrassing?"

'They're so gay.'

'When's the wedding?'

'Doing that in a cafe? Geez...'


'I'd rather not say. It's an invasion of privacy.'

"Alright," said Akechi, biting down on his fork. "Do you want some cake?"

'Yes please.'

Akechi brought the fork up to Saiki's lips, and without saying anything, they had made some sort of agreement. Saiki returned the favor with a spoonful of coffee jelly. He was still getting a bit adjusted to it, but he was learning to give Akechi a decent-sized piece of coffee jelly.

'That's so cute!'

'I've seen them do that before, but I never thought...'

'I wish Yachak would do that with me.'

Saiki felt his face heat up, but this time, Akechi understood.

"Sorry," he whispered.

'It's not your fault.'

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