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(You don't have to read this.)

Thank you to everyone who read this all the way through, whether you stuck with it from the beginning, or just discovered it while digging through the internet for Saikechi fics.

One thing I do want to address, is that there was a bit of confusion about the book series Saiki and Akechi were discussing, called "The Dedication Of Subject Z".

This is a fictional book series, created by me, and in one of the chapters is an excerpt from the "series".

Of course, this series does not exist, and the excerpt is basically a oneshot that matches the story. I wanted to give you guys an idea of who this "Hanamura" person really was. It was fun to write, as well.

Though, a mystery novel called "The Devotion Of Suspect X" does exist, and is written by Keigo Higashno, which is how I got the name.

This story was my attempt at two classics:

A coffee shop AU, and Slow Burn.

I tried to give Ando Manga Cafe a nice atmosphere; adding as many original elements as I could without straying too far from the canon setting. I wanted to make it interesting to read not only because of their relationship, but also because the setting was good enough to help you guys through the slow burn, bless your souls.

I've never written an AU or Slow Burn before, so I hope I did okay.

I appreciate any and all feedback, and honestly, except actually writing, my favorite part of this has been reading the comments I get.

On Wattpad, people went nuts over the one paragraph with the cookie. Apparently, I made everyone hungry, which I thought was hilarious. Wattpad comments are so funny, and so random too. I loved checking Wattpad to see 30 notifications at once, all saying how much I made them want cookies.

On AO3, I got a lot of detailed comments talking about their relationship and how cute it was. Honestly, you guys take my writing more seriously than I do and I love it. It's really great to hear you guy's thoughts. I loved checking AO3 to see comments saying how much they enjoyed the latest chapter.

You guys are such sweetie pies and I love you all.

Also, @ollieloveskomeda on Wattpad literally wrote fanfiction of my fanfiction and it's really cute. It's a medieval AU, and I would love for you guys to check it out, if you want.

And again, thank you to @lorenaluawolfdark for making my covers! They are wonderful, and so is she, and I would love if you guys checked her out.

This was definitely my longest (and most fun) project I've done so far, and I do hope to write more full-length fics, just not soon, because GOD, I am so tired.

But in a good way, and don't worry, if it was seriously affecting my health, I would've stopped.

But in a good way, and don't worry, if it was seriously affecting my health, I would've stopped

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In case any of you wondered how I plan my writing

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In case any of you wondered how I plan my writing.

Thank you for reading!

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