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At first, it was an accident.

A wonderful, yet embarrassing accident.

This was an accident too, but...

This one was plain stupid.

What was he thinking? Was he even thinking? Saiki wasn't too sure. He didn't know how or why he told him, and even less how he told him. He figured he might have told eventually, especially if they were going to, well, do whatever this was supposed to be.

But the look on Akechi's face was strikingly similar to the expression he made the first time Saiki blurted out some sort of confession.

"Kusuo-kun? What are you talking about?" Akechi said, standing up straight to look at Saiki.

'Telepathy? Does he mean like psychic powers? Why would he claim to have psychic powers? Is he being serious? Is he Hanamura? I knew it! There was something special about him, but I didn't think-! Is he lying? Would he even lie about that? This doesn't make any sense! I don't understand.'

'No, I'm not lying, unfortunately. I guess it's about time I tell you.'

'Did he just speak into my head? I didn't even see his mouth move! Is he serious? Do psychics exist? I thought they were fictional, like fairy tales and sorcery!'

'Don't compare me to a wizard. You make me feel silly.'

'How did he hear that? I was thinking it! Is this a dream? Am I dead? What's going on?'

'I said it was telepathy. I can hear your thoughts.'

Akechi looked at Saiki, his thoughts still racing, and stumbled backwards. Akechi gasped when Saiki caught him in midair, using telekinesis.

"I'm floating! I'm floating! Why am I floating?"

'It's like chapter six in book four! He's Hanamura for sure!'

'It's another one of my powers. And stop comparing me to Hanamura.'

'You can hear me right now? What am I thinking? Cake, cake, cake, cake...'

'Really? All you can think about now is cake? You're ridiculous.'

Akechi yelped as Saiki gently set him down.

"So, you're a psychic?"

'Was it not clear already? Guess I should've told you a bit less... abruptly.'

"So can you fly? And read minds? And bend spoons?"

Surprisingly, even though Akechi knew exactly how many taste buds were on a person's tongue, he knew next to nothing about psychics.

'Hold on.'

Saiki reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He dug through it and fished out four one hundred yen coins. He held them out in his hand.

"Wait, are you going to show me something? Is this going to be a demonstration of your abilities? Are you-"



The coins were replaced with a small flash of light and a spoon.

Akechi nearly screamed.

'Would you like me to bend it?'

"It appeared in his hand!"

Saiki floated the spoon to Akechi, bending it on the way over. Akechi backed away from it as if it was dangerous.

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