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The ambush of words didn't surprise Saiki anymore.

Saiki walked into the cafe to see Akechi, who was waiting in line. There was one person in front of him, and one person behind him, so Saiki sat down while he waited for Akechi to finish ordering.

He knew it would take a while, whether or not Akechi decided to tell his life story to the person behind the counter.

Akechi bent down to pick up a coin he spotted, which gave the man behind him a chance to stand in front of him. He cleaned his glasses in his shirt as Akechi realized what he was doing and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, I believe I was in front of you. Perhaps you simply didn't notice me, which in that case, it would be rude of me to assume that you were cutting in line. I think that it's best to assume that people are decent individuals until proven otherwise, so I-"

"Shut up!" He yelled. "Just let me get my coffee."

Suzuki looked at Akechi, not really knowing what to do. She looked like she wanted to do something, but she didn't know what.

"But sir, I was in line first, and I need to order so I can sit with my-"

"I don't care! Just go over there, kid," he said, harshly shoving Akechi out of the line. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Suzuki gasped, but didn't move a muscle.

Alright, enough was enough.

Saiki stood up and walked over to Akechi, who was still in shock over what had happened. He offered him his hand, helping him up.

'He was in line first.'

The man turned around to look at Saiki, his glasses nearly slipping off the bridge of his nose.

"What do you care? This doesn't concern you."

'He's my friend, so leave him alone.'

It slipped out before he could reword it. He'd probably regret it later.

"I don't care who he is, just let me get my damn coffee!"

Now Saiki was mad.

'Leave before I rip out your spine,' he projected to him only, making the same face that scared the living daylights out of Akechi.

"W-what?" The man took a few steps back, nearly tripping over his feet.

'How is he talking into my head? His mouth didn't move! This guy's a freak!'


The man stormed out of the cafe, looking back at Saiki with an expression that seemed annoyed and terrified at the same time.

"Geez, kid. Calm down!" he mumbled under his breath.

'I'm sorry he bothered you. You can order your food now.'

It was then that Saiki realized he had never let go of Akechi's hand. Even worse, he was squeezing it a bit tighter than before. He pulled his hand away, deeply embarrassed, hoping that Akechi didn't over-think it.

But Akechi was too distracted with his own thoughts to care about what Saiki was doing.

'Now he really reminds me of Hanamura! He just looked at him, and the man left! How scary! I'm glad I didn't see his face, I might have wet myself.'


'He defended me. I can't believe it! Well, I can, because he's so sweet, even if he tries to hide it.'

Good grief.

Saiki sat back down, with the peace of mind that no one would bother Akechi, now that he got rid of that jerk. Akechi soon joined him, smiling brighter than usual.

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