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Saiki wanted it to be quiet. Since he met Akechi, he wished it would be quiet. He wished he could drink his coffee with nothing but peoples calm, mumbling thoughts and the sound of the pages turning. It was too loud, too fast, and far too annoying.

But now, you could hear a pin drop, and the silence was more deafening than he'd ever imagined.

Of course, there were still the muffled thoughts of neighboring shops, but that didn't matter, because the quiet was too loud for him to hear them.

No one was thinking.

Until they did; and when they did, it might have been worse than the quiet.

'Did he confess?'

Unfortunately, yes.

'What are those two doing?'

Not even Saiki knew anymore. He was just as confused.

'Who just says that in public? Isn't he embarrassed?'

Absolutely. Not that it even mattered.

'Oh my gosh, did Miyake hear that?'


'Oh my god, did Suzuki hear that?'


'How will he react?'

Saiki wanted to know, too.

'I picked the wrong day to come here.'

So did he.

They were all thinking about Saiki and Akechi, and as much as Saiki wanted to blame everyone for not minding their own business, he knew it was his fault.

His fault for protecting it too loud.

His fault for projecting it at all.

His fault for loving him.

But all the quiet, muffled thoughts, as embarrassing as they were, weren't Akechi's. And for once, he wished they were Akechi's. He just looked at him, but it wasn't the same piercing stare he normally used on Saiki.

It was blank, and it was confused, and Saiki wanted more than anything, to hear him think, to hear him talk, something. He looked at him, and Saiki looked back, except Saiki felt like he was on fire and Akechi didn't seem to feel anything.

He didn't blush.

He didn't react.

He didn't even think.

Everyone was thinking, and the talking slowly started again, as rigid and stilted as it was.

Really, Saiki didn't mean for anyone to hear it. If he had wanted to confess, which he wouldn't have, at least not willingly, he would've projected it to Akechi and Akechi only.

But it was too quick, too sudden for Saiki to confine it. And because it was so sudden, it came out louder than expected. Everyone heard it, and Saiki was completely humiliated. He would've wanted to respect Akechi's privacy, and his own, but he didn't mean to say anything in the first place.

It seemed like Akechi was exceptionally good at making Saiki do things he didn't want to do.

A minute passed, but it might as well have been an hour, because Akechi didn't move, and Saiki couldn't stop fidgeting.

'He... He loves me?'

Saiki felt himself sink even deeper into his chair. Akechi knew now, and he couldn't stop it anymore. He couldn't take it. He grabbed Akechi's hand, pulling him to his feet and dragging him outside. He could hear their thoughts and their whispers, but he couldn't stand the quiet any longer.

They got a few weird looks, and a few whispers from passing people, but now they were in an alley, where no one could see or hear them. He let Akechi go and stood in front of him, hoping he'd react somehow. The location wasn't what he'd prefer, but it was the best option on such a short notice. His brain wasn't working right anyway. He doubted he could've come up with anything else.

'He said he loves me... He said he loves me... He said he loves me...'

Saiki wanted to say something, but he couldn't think of anything to say. What he really felt was now made very clear, and Akechi wasn't doing anything with the information.

'He said he loves-'

'Why did he say-'

'I never thought he would-'

'I believe he-'

'I can't believe I-'


Well, he knew it was coming. There was no backing out now.

"You're... serious?"

Saiki didn't move. He couldn't move. He didn't even want to look at Akechi. He hadn't seen his face since he dragged him out of the cafe, and he couldn't find it within himself to look up.

'He... loves me too?'

And now it was Saiki's turn to be surprised, except he couldn't show it. If he showed it, Akechi would've known something was off. He was too smart not to. Saiki wanted to look up now, but he couldn't until Akechi said something. Really, it was Saiki's turn to speak, but he'd rather wait for Akechi to talk before he did.

"Kusuo-kun? Please answer me."

"Are you okay? Answer me please."

"Say something."

He could hear Akechi's voice grow more and more frantic until he was practically shouting. He ignored him, or at least tried to, because there was nothing he could do to change things now. Akechi walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder. Saiki didn't push it away this time.

"Kusuo-kun? Are you still mad at me?"


"Were you lying?"



"Can I... Can I kiss you?"





Akechi, though just as nervous and embarrassed as Saiki, held Saiki's head in his hands and kissed him softly on the forehead. Saiki kept his eyes shut tight and his head bowed down. Saiki felt a bit calmer now that Akechi held him. He knew he'd wanted it longer than he'd realized. Or admitted.

'Thank you for asking.'

"Thank you for letting me. And thank you for loving me."

'Did you really have to bring that up?'

Akechi giggled, pressing his forehead against Saiki's and holding his hands.

"Y'know, that shirt's my favorite. Do you know why?"


"Because it's the one you wore the first day I met you. Well, the first day I talked to you."

'You're so embarrassing.'

Saiki could feel Akechi's breath in his face as he talked. It was comforting, in a way.

"You know Kusuo-kun, you're not breathing into my face. It's odd, but I'm not sure why."

'That's because I'm using telepathy.'


"W-what?" Akechi choked out.

It seemed like Akechi was exceptionally good at making Saiki do things he didn't want to do.

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