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Dedicated to @lorenaluawolfdark for encouraging me to write this.


"Yachak? I'm home!"

"Iba? Hold on, I'll be right out."

Iba took off her shoes and set them on the mat. She put her purse down on the couch and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a slice of chocolate cake and placing it onto the counter. She pulled out two forks from one of the drawers.

"Hello, Iba," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "How was your time at the cafe?"

"It was very... interesting."

"What happened?"

Iba sighed and leaned against the counter.

"A young boy, one of the regulars, confessed his love to another boy his age out of the blue. I don't think he meant to, but everyone was staring, and I imagine it must of been humiliating for both of them."

"Really?" he said, chuckling. "What happened then?"

"Most likely out of embarrassment, they left the cafe and didn't come back for about thirty minutes. I stayed a bit longer than usual, because I wanted to see if they would come back. They left their books and their desserts."

"Did they come back?"

"Yes, and it seems like it worked put for the two of them, because after they came back, they finished their desserts and talked. They were even feeding each other. I hope they're happy together."

"So do I."

"Oh!" she said, smirking. "There was something I wanted to do with you."

"What is it?"

"Do you remember our first date?"

"Of course I do," he said, smiling. "We had mochi on a park bench. It's still one of the best days of my life. I remember I only had enough money for one, so we shared and fed each other."

"It seems like so long ago," she said wistfully.

"I know there's no park bench, and no mochi, but I want to do it again. I have cake and the couch, all ready for you," she said while grabbing the cake off the counter, along with the forks.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him close, looking into his eyes. It startled him, but he eased into it after a few seconds. Really, he was more surprised that she didn't drop the cake in the process.

"It's been too long since we've done something like this. I miss it, and those two boys reminded me that there's nothing stopping us from being like them."

She pulled him to the couch and they both sat down, Iba resting her head on Yachak's shoulder, and his arm around her. Iba handed a fork to him. She scooped up a piece of cake, and held it to his mouth.

"Open wide."

He listened, and leaned foward, taking the bite of cake off the fork.


"Okay, now I want some!"

Yachak picked up another bite of cake and fed it to her, to which she gladly accepted.

"I like chocolate cake more than I remembered," he said.

"Really? That's all you have to say?" she said, giggling. "Not that you like me?"

"Ah, stop teasing. You know I love you. And you know your chocolate cake is my favorite."

"I missed doing this with you."

"So did I. Maybe we can do this more often."

As Iba ate another bite of cake from Yachak's hand, she was grateful that she chose today to try a new cafe.

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