Chapter 14

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*Kimmy's P.O.V.*

"Is there any specific reason as of why they are going stay here?" I say with a fake smile, trying to keep in my anger.

"They were going to stay at a hotel. Since, hotels cost a lot of money here I offered her if they wanted to stay here at the house and she accepted." Mum says with smile.

"Mum..." I let out a sigh.

"Just please don't put them anywhere close to our rooms; they can stay in the guest room next to the garage."

"Kimmy! That's not nice! It is only for a few days. Why are you so upset about this?"

My phone goes off with a call from Al. I am glad that he called because I did not have an answer for my mum at the moment. She cannot know about what happened between me and James.

"Excuse me... Hello, Al."

"Ki-Kimmy..." It sounds like he crying.

"Al, what's wrong?"

"I need for you and your mom to come to the hospital. Charlena passed out and she's having a hard time responding. Please, Kimmy, Hurry." He says with so much fear in his voice.

"Okay. I will be there immediately. Al, do anything you have to do until I get there." I close the call.

"Mum and Taylor, we need to go! Charlena is in the hospital!"

*At the hospital*

"Room for Charlena O'Keefe?"

"Room 612." The nurse says nicely.

We sprint to the elevator that will take us the floor where Charlena's room is at. As we arrive to the room, I see Al sitting on the floor next to the door with his knees to his chest with his head down.

"Al..." I say softly.

"Kimmy." He stands up and gives me hug.

"How is she?"

"She's doing good now. She was having a hard time breathing and her blood pressure was really low, but they won't let me see her, it's family only."

"I knew it. Same thing happened when her parents and her brother died." I say with a little bit of relief and of course only my mom and Taylor knowing what I was talking about

"What do you mean?" Al asks.

"Ever since she lost her parents and brother, every time she goes through a sad or heartbreaking moment, she gets very sick. The hard time breathing and the low blood pressure is what usually happens, that's why I try to prevent bad situations to happening to her." I say.

"Family of Charlena O'Keefe?" I hear a tall, muscular, dark haired man say.

"Yes! Here!" Mum says quickly.

"You are now allowed to see her, but family only." I look at Al. I could tell that he really wanted to see her.

"Does the boyfriend count?" Mum and Al look at me like I was insane or something close to it. Taylor, she caught on quickly.

"Yes. Sure, why not." The doctor says with a smile.

"Thank you so much."

"Kimmy, what do you mean if boyfriends count?" Al asks.

"You. I said that you are her boyfriend so you can see her." He doesn't say anything, he just hugs me.

*Wesley's P.O.V*


"Yes, Wesley." she says walking towards me. She pushes me down to the bed and sits on top of me. She bends down and whispers into my ear, "long time no see."

"Michelle, please stop and get off me."

"Oh come on, Wes. It's not like you didn't miss me." She says planting wet kisses all over my neck

"No. Michelle, I said stop! I-I have a girlfriend." She stops and shows off a huge evil grin.

"Oh! Interesting. Who is it?"

"You don't know her, but her name is Kimmy."

"That new British girl at Livermore?" She says souding a little bit pissed off.

"Yes... How do you know who she is?"

"Someone told me about her; however I'm sure she will not find out."

"Will not find out what?" I deep down knew what she meant. She pins me against the wall and starts kissing me.

"I said stop! Get out of my house now!" I say raising my voice.

"Fine, but this isn't the last time you'll be seeing me, Wesley. That bitch better watch her back." She storms out of my room.

*Sunday Morning*

*Kimmy's P.O.V.*

I am on my way to the hospital to spend the day with Charlena. Al decided to stay with her for the night. You can tell that he really likes her by the way he looks at her, treats her, and protects her. Charlie never did or would have never done something like this. EVER. Al has done so much more for Charlena in a month than what Charlie did in a year. Our lives have changed so much in such little time. Wesley for example... Even though I do not like the way he's heading and the things he does, but there's something about him that I like so much. My heart is telling me to help him and that the help will be worth it at the end...I notice that I'm at the entrance of her room which distracts my train of thoughts. I walk in to the room, I see Al sleeping on a chair next to Charlena's bed as he holds her hand.

"Al." I say trying to wake him up.

"Hey, Kimmy." He says while rubbing his eyes.

"Hey. How did she sleep?"

"She slept well. She woke up once to go to the bathroom, but other than that I think she slept well."

"That's good. Has the doctor said anything?"

"She cannot move a lot and that she'll be able to go home tomorrow. He'll give your mom the prescriptions tomorrow before she leaves."

"Okay. Thank you so much, Al."

"There's nothing to thank me for. I do it because I truly care about her and she means a lot to me."

"Hello, Kimmy." Charlena says as she wakes up.

"Hello. How are you feeling?"

"I feel alright..." She realizes that Al is holding her hand. She quickly lets go of Al's hand.

"Who are you? Why are you holding my hand? You're not Charlie." She says.

"No, it's me, Al."

"I'm sorry, but I do not know who you are."

{Hi, guys! I hope you guys are doing well. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Make sure to comment and vote. Thank you for your support. 😊 P.S. I may not post until school is over which is the end of next month. Sorry.}

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