Chapter 4

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"Hi, Wesley." We say in unison.

He just rolls his eyes and walks towards the stairs. He is so rude, even to his own mother.

"I'm sorry, ladies. He can be a bit grumpy sometimes." Laraine says.

"It's alright. We understand." My mom says.

After we all eat dinner, Laraine and my mom go to the living room to chat. Breezie, Brooke, and Isaac went to the park. Taylor is with Keaton. Charlena is with Drew. Wesley is sitting alone eating dinner. I did feel bad even though he was really rude earlier.

"Excuse me. Where can I find the restroom?" I ask Laraine.

"It's in the hallway of where the stairs are at."

"Thank you."

I wasn't actually going to go to the restroom, I was just going to talk to Wesley. I came up with an excuse because I knew my mom would ask me where I was going and I did not want to tell her where I was actually going, because she would start embarrassing me in front of everyone.

I walk in to the dining room and see Wesley eating his dinner. I sit in front of him.

"Hello." I say politely. He doesn't say anything.

"Well, my name is Kimmy."

"What do you want?" He says in a harsh tone, but I didn't pay much attention.

"I saw you here eating dinner alone and I thought I could give you some company." I say smiling.

"Well I don't want your company. Can you leave now?" He says a little bit too loud.

I just stand up from the chair and leave with a mad facial expression. What is up with this guy? Why is he so rude?

After 5 minutes, I hear Wesley yell out "Mom, I'm leaving. I won't be home until tomorrow night."

"Where are you going?" Laraine asks. He just slams the door and leaves, all of us knowing he heard her.

"Sorry about that." She apologizes.


We leave their house. I really like them, they are a cool family, except for that Wesley guy. Rude people get on my nerves, especially when I try being nice to them. But I mean I can't really judge him because I don't know him well, and I've known him for only a few hours.

I go to Taylor's room.

"Hey, sis." I say as I walk towards her bed.


"So tell me, how was it with Keaton?" I say with a smirk.

"We have so much in common! He composes and sings just like me!"

"That's amazing! Looks like Keaton got you good."

Taylor starts blushing.

"Hey, what about his brother? I think his name was Wesley?" She asks.

"Yeah, he is a really rude guy."

"I know. I could tell. He just rolled his eyes at us and didn't even say hello." She says pouting and crossing her arms. I just laugh at her face.

"Goodnight, Taylor."


I go to Charlena's room now.

"What's up, bestie?" I say walking in her room.


"How was it with Drew?'

"He's a really cool guy. I like him. But I also met his friend, his name is Al. Al Calderon. He is so fit and such a sweetheart! I have Charlie, so I'm not paying much attention to Al."

"Yeah, about Charlie... I'm not having good intentions about him anymore."

"What do you mean?" she asks a bit concerned.

"Like at the airport he was acting so weird and even weeks before that he was acting weird. I think he's hiding something from you."

"I don't think he is, but I will talk to him just incase."

"Charlena, if he's hiding something from you, he obviously won't tell you like that." I tell her snapping my fingers.

*Tuesday, 6 AM*

Here it goes to the first day of school... actually my last first day of school. Some people may say, what about college? Well, I was going to go to college and I want to go. A year ago I got a scholarship to Indiana University to play soccer, which I mean it was a big deal, Indiana University is number 1 of the top colleges for soccer. It did break my heart denying that offer, but I had to take care of my mom, Taylor, and Charlena since my dad wasn't there anymore.

My mom got a car out of nowhere. I don't know how she's doing all this so quick. Especially where is she getting all the money?

"Girls, hurry! You're going to be late on your first day!" My mom yells out from downstairs.

Me, Taylor, and Charlena walk out of our rooms at the same time. We look at each other, we hold hands, and make a circle.

"Here's the start of something new." Charlena says.

We just stay there holding hands. When it comes to school, we haven't had the best experience. We have always gotten bullied. I would come home crying all the time and with bruises all over my body. Taylor used to be overweight and she got picked because of that a lot, but then one day she started eating healthy and working out, she still bullied for losing weight. Charlena, she lost her parents and her brother the same month, in addition she also got bullied in school for not having parents. We are just hoping this time it's not the same.

*At School*

"Here we go." We say in unison as we walk in the school.

Luckily our lockers are right next to each other. Taylor, Charlena, Kimmy, that was the order our lockers were in. Taylor didn't have any classes neither with me or Charlena, because she's a Junior. Charlena and I are Seniors. At least she has lunch with us. Charlena and I had third and fifth period together.

We go to our classes. My first class was World History. The second I walk in, I see Wesley with a girl sitting on his lap and surrounded by a bunch of dudes. I see one of them quickly pass a little bag with something in it, not sure what it was, but I know those were drugs. Wesley sees me looking at what they were doing. I stop looking and quickly go to find a seat. I go and find a seat and settle my books on the desk, but a guy goes and sits down on that seat with a smirk.

"Hey, I was going to sit there." I say furiously.

"Too bad." He responds laughing.

"Hey! She was going to sit there, let her sit there and talk to her like that again and I'll break your face." I hear someone say. The guy leaves and I turn around and see Wesley. We look at each other straight in the eyes for a few seconds.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that." I tell him. He doesn't say anything back and just walks back to his seat.

(A/N: Here's Chapter 4! Please vote and comment! And another thing, some of you may know Al Calderon, some may not know. He's an actual singer who auditioned for the XFactor last season. I put a picture there for those who don't know who he is. On the next chapter I'll post a picture of who Charlie is. He's just a character I made up. :) And you know the part when Charlena says that Al is "fit" by that I mean the British version "fit". Since you know they are from the UK. So yeah.. I hope you enjoy this chapter! 💙💛💚)

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