Chapter 13

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*Kimmy's P.O.V.*

"WESLEY!" I say obviously too loud because the person who was beating him up heard me. I couldn't really tell who it was because they had a mask on, but I know for sure that it was a guy.

I run out of the house quietly but fast as possible. I get to the hideout. The guy looks at me then kicks Wesley's face one last time then runs off. I run towards Wesley. As I see how hurt he is, bruises and cuts all over him, my heart shatters.

"Wesley!" I say as I reach out to him.
He doesn't respond back. He can't barely breathe.

"Come on, Wesley. Let me take you to my house to clean you up a little bit." I pick him up and put his arm over my shoulder.


"Ahhh!" Wesley screams as quietly as he can while I clean the cuts he has on his face with alcohol.


"No, you're good. It just stings a lot."

"I know. I'm almost done. Just one more." I say as I clean his last cut. He covers his mouth to prevent a loud scream come out of his mouth.

"Okay. I'm done."

"Thank you, Kimmy." He says shyly. An awkward silence takes over the room.

"Well, umm... I should probably get home, before my mom and your mom notice what happened." Wesley says.

"I'll walk you to your house, just in case." We walk out and start walking to his house.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Why did you get me? When you clearly hate me, you could've just let me die there and get rid of me."

"Don't say that! I do not hate you. I'm just trying to help you get out of hell you're in before you get into worse."

"Why do you care so much?! I mean it's none of your business." He says with an attitude.

"At least you could be grateful that I'm trying to help you. I'm sure none of the girls you have dated would've helped you, like I just did." I fire back at him. He doesn't say anything back. The rest of the walk to his house is dead silent.

We finally arrive at his house.

"Remember to take care of your cuts so you won't get an infection." I say. He doesn't say anything back and just walks towards his door. I walk away.

"Hey, Kimmy?" He says.


"Thank you." I give him a small smile, then walk towards my house.

"Kimmy! Wake up!" says Taylor hitting me with the pillow.

"Give me 5 more minutes."

"Mom said to wake up that she has to tell us something."

"Ugh fine." I say as I get up from my bed. I walk down to the living room.

"Good Morning, ladies." My mom says excitedly.

"Good Morning, Mom." I say with a yawn after it.

"I have news for you guys! Mrs.Edwards & Tyler will be staying with us until they have to go back to the UK!"

At that moment I knew my life was over.

*Wesley's P.O.V.*
"Wesley, what happened?!" My mom asks worriedly.

"Surfing." I answered, not even close to the truth.

"Be more careful next time, honey."

"Yes, Mom... I'm going to my room. I need some rest." I say walking upstairs.

Kimmy. I can't stop thinking about her. It's just everything about her that makes her so beautiful. Her smile. Her eyes. Her sassy attitude. I don't understand why I act like such an asshole in front of her. It's like I get so nervous around her, I don't even know how to react, obviously other than being a complete asshole.

A knock on the door interrupts my train of thoughts.

"Come in." I say.

"Hey, sexy." I hear a familiar voice say. I raise my head.
What the hell is she doing here?!

*Charlena's P.O.V.*

There are no words to describe how I feel. I would say hurt, but that's not even close. He was my first love. I'm heartbroken. Why would he do such a thing? What did I do to deserve this? I'm not sure what exactly happened after I fainted, but the last person I remember seeing was Al.

My phone goes off; it's text from Al.

From: Al
Good Morning! How are you feeling?
From: Charlena
I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you. :)
Can you please tell me what happened yesterday after I fainted?
From: Al
How about we go out for lunch and I'll tell you?
From: Charlena
Sure. :) Where & what time?
From: Al
Be ready by 4 & I'll take care of the rest. :)
From: Charlena
Okay. See you later!

I checked the time, it was 11. I still have time to sleep.

*At the lunch*
"I figured you might have wanted to come here." Al says, flashing his big smile.

"How did you know?"

"Well, remember when we had to fill that worksheet for Mr.Benjamin's class? I saw that your favorite place to eat at is Olive Garden."

"I'm still pretty impressed that you still remember that." I say with a giggle at the end.

"What would you like to order?" The waiter says.

"Chef's choice. Please." Al says.

"Dude, what are you doing? That is so expensive! I don't have the money for it." I say, clearly trying to take in, the fact that he's going to order something so expensive, when I don't even have half of the amount.

"Don't worry about it. I got it. Relax."

"Al, ple-"

"Charlena, relax. I said I got it."

I let out a long sigh. This boy is crazy.

"But, anyways can you tell me what happened after I passed out?"

"Might as well, tell you the whole story... Remember that day when you invited us to your house and you introduced Charlie to us? Well, Tyler realized that, Charlie was also Maya's boyfriend. He told Charlie to tell you and Maya, that he's cheating on both of you before he leaves back to the UK, but if he doesn't he would tell you guys. Maya met with him at the park and he told her that he was going to be busy with school and work, that he needed to break up with her, when all that, is bullshit. You got to the park, talked to Charlie. I saw you leaving, I reached you. I saw you had a black eye, few seconds later, you passed out. Then, I took you to the hospital, and then to your house."

"You and Tyler knew that he was cheating on me and didn't have the audacity to tell me?!" I say clearly a little bit too loud, because everyone around us starts looking at us.

"I tried telling you, but you didn't believe me."

That's true. He tried to protect me from getting hurt and I thought it was all a lie.

"I- I'm sorry, Al. I sh--"

"It's fine. Right now all that matters is that you're okay." He interrupts.

Our food gets here. We eat and talk non stop for 2 hours straight.

"Thank you, for everything, Al. I really owe you."

"You don't owe me anything..."
With that, my vision gets blurry, I can't hear anything, my head starts hurting.


Within a second, everything goes black.

(Hello, guise! I'm extremely sorry for not posting in like 3 months. I've been really busy with school. I'm having a lot of dance specials, which they are 3 days straight, and soccer season started, so what I'm planning to do is not post until I'm out of school which is towards the end of May, but I would be writing during this "break", so give me your opinion about this, I would highly appreciate it! 😊 I hope you have a great year, month, week, and day! Thank you for reading! 💖)

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