Chapter 9

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*Charlie's P.O.V.*

"Charlena?" I ask.

"Yes! Charlena! The girl you're texting!" Maya says with anger.

"Let me guess? It's not what I think it is and this is your mom." She adds

"Umm... Uhh... Charlena is a cousin of mine..."

"Yeah, because your cousin calls you baby." She looks so mad she could literally murder someone right now.

"First, calm down."


"I will explain everything, but you need to calm down first."

She breathes deeply.

"Ok, Charlena is a cousin of mine who lives here. I haven't seen her in like 5 years. She goes to college not far from here and I'm going to visit her there. And the baby part, her and my aunt call me that. I got that name because when I was very young, like 6 I was really tiny, so they just started calling me baby."

"I don't know, Charlie..."

"I promise I'm not lying."

"Ok fine. I believe you, but please don't keep any secrets from me."

"I won't. I promise."

Good thing, I got out of this one. I check the time and notice that Charlena will be out of school any second, so I have to get to her house before she gets there.

"Hey, baby. I have to go, I'll call you tonight. Ok?"

"Ok." She says and gives me kiss on the lips.

I get to Charlena's house. Thank goodness she's still not home yet.

I need to pretend that I'm writing my paper... But I didn't bring any paper or things related to that. Charlena doesn't have any here. Shit. What am I going to do?! Wait... I told her I would be watching the game. I turn on Charlena's TV. The last game just ended. Why?! What else can I do?! After a while of thinking, I hear the girls walk in to the house. I start running trying to find something to do...

Sleep. I'll pretend I'm sleeping. Why didn't think this from the beginning?!

*Charlena's P.O.V.*

"Baby! I'm home... Charlie?"

Oh. He's sleeping. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I'm so lucky to have him and to able to call him mine.

I stand by my door just looking at him and remembering all the amazing memories we've had.

"Charlie, babe. Wake up." I kiss his forehead.

"Hey, babe." He says.

"Hey. My friends are coming over in a few to do homework and I want you to meet them."


"I'm going to take a shower." He adds getting up from the bed.

"Okay. I'm going to make something to eat while you take a shower."

"But I thought you were going to join me." He pouts.

"Nope. Not today, Charlie." I say as I walk out of my room.

*30 minutes*

"Charlie! Come downstairs! They are here." I yell from the living room.

"Okay. I'll be there in second." He yells.

"Your boyfriend's name is Charlie?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah. Why?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, that's cool. My sister has a boyfriend named Charlie."

"That's cool."

"Hello." Charlie says as he walks in.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend, Charlie. Charlie, this is Tyler, Al, and Keaton."

They greet each other and sit down.

"Charlie Meyer! Why haven't you said hi to me?" Taylor says walking in to the living room.

"Hey Taylor!" He says. They hug and I notice Keaton's expression completely change.

"Don't worry. He treats her like his little sister. She's all yours." I text Keaton, so he won't be worried.

"Thank you." He smiles.


*Doorbell rings*

"Pizza is here." I say as I start taking the money out.

"I thought you were going to make something." says Charlie.

"Yeah, I was too lazy."

"Typical Charlena." Taylor says.

"Here. Charlie go get it." I hand him the money and he goes to get the pizza.

*Tyler's P.O.V.*

I need an excuse so I can talk to Charlie in private.

"Hey, Charlena. Where can I find the restroom?"

"There's one by the stairs close to the entrance."

"Thank you."

I walk out to the entrance. And find Charlie in the kitchen.

"Hey, Charlie." I say.

"Hello, mate." He says.

"I have a quick question. So how is it like to date two girls at the same time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says nervously.

"Charlie, I know you're dating Maya, MY SISTER and Charlena. You're lucky I care about Charlena, that's why I didn't say anything. I give you until the day you leave to tell both of them, if you don't, I will. I mean it." I say and then I walk out of the kitchen.

*Kimmy's P.O.V.*

Where is he going? I've been following him for 2 hours straight. I remember Wesley saying he'll be there, to a guy from school. But be where? I might look like a stalker right now, but oh well. I need to find out more about Wesley before I start helping him out.

He finally walks in to the back of restaurant which leads him downstairs.

I stand behind the wall and try not to get caught.

"Here." He says as he takes out a 2 packs of cigarettes and a bunch of small black bags which I assume is drugs.

"Thank you." The guy says.

"Where's my money?" Wesley asks.

"You forgot my stack of beers."

Wesley cusses under his breath.

"Come on, dude. I'm sorry. I'll bring you double tomorrow."


"Triple?! That's too risky. Come on, I really need that money for my family."

"No money then."

Wesley sighs.

"Fine. Triple." Wesley gives in.

The guy hands Wesley an approximate amount of a $1000. Wesley starts walking towards the exit and luckily there was a space where I could hide.


I finally get home.

"Where were you?!" My mom asks.

"Sorry, mom. I was at the library."

"It's alright. Make sure you tell me next time where you go."

"Yes. Sorry."

I go upstairs and lay on my bed.

What did Wesley mean by he needed that money for his family? Does he sell drugs to help his family? Is Wesley not the bad person I think he is?

(A/N: Here's Chapter 9! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you. 💚)

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