When The Flesh Heals

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     The snow was melting outside as spring made its way into the year,
birds starting to sing, Cubs coming out from hibernation; life blooming from the harsh winter the land had bestowed upon the town.
     It had been a busy winter for Y/N, elders in constant need of attention, and children in with pneumonia and colds every week... though the winter had been hard , Y/N had cared for every one of her patients perfectly, only losing one of the oldest village elders to pneumonia. It had been a survived winter, to say the least.
    Now that the flowers were blooming, and very needed medicinal herbs growing, she already had to begin the harvesting process. Straight to work like always.
    Y/N had a light coat over her long sleeved dress, as the air was still chilled... even if the sun was shining through the leaves. The occasional stick or leaf or spot of snow would crunch under her boots as she walked through the tree line into the deeper part of the forest, picking what spices and herbs she needed on the way.... The girl was going to a specific spot, her thoughts traveling as she walked.
Now 19, her father had died four years ago due to consumption... He had taught her almost everything she knew and was the village doctor at the time... so with his untimely death, Y/N swore to heal the people of her village just like he did. She took her luckiness of not getting tuberculosis a sign she was destined to take his place.
With no mother, Y/N had only two things she could do. Care for herself at a young age, and bury herself in study and work to better herself... and with four years of extremely hard work, the girl had turned into quite the expert. No royal doctor, but close.
Her e/c eyes blinked... there's the marigold. She had found this spot last year from complete luck, an abundance of marigold grew under this rotten log, and she even scored a few Reishi mushrooms!
Gently, she picked the orange flowers and mushrooms, putting them into her woven basket which was filled with other things, noticing there were sprouts for other plants she'd need... she'll have to come back later!

Oh how she didn't know how this lucky find would change her life.

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