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         That morning, she had woken up just at the crack of Dawn... but didn't dare leave her home or even open up shop... she was terrified of what could be out there... her mind swirling with thoughts... she'd have to make a public announcement today... get the town mayor to tell the people of the town to be careful....
The h/c doctor finally did get out and about, setting up shop, going to the door to unlock around 8, before a shriek was heard down the street... many gasps and screams following. Sensing something was very wrong, Y/N bolted out of her shop/home, with her medicinal satchel that was essentially a first aid.
The sound was coming from towns square, people crowded around the water fountain in the middle. "What's going on!?" She yelped, pushing to the front, predicting every horrible sort of injury that could have happened... but instead... she got worse.
A woman was quite literally attached to one of the water statues by her spine, that was ripped out of her back and looped around the statues head. Her rib cage was pried open and cracked in places... all her organs gone... and inside the empty cavity that was now her chest, were flowers and herbs. Marigold, reishi mushrooms, daisy's, thyme, rosemary, roses and an abundance of wildflowers.
The girl slapped her hand over her mouth, feeling sick to the stomach herself and she's seen extremely bad injuries...
The water was red from the blood that was dripping from her chest... her face so torn and ripped you could see her bone... it more looked like she had no face at all... as her skull was very clearly visible, just coated in red.
     "O-oh my god..." The young doctor whispered, but realized something so awful.... it was exactly like the sheep... either they have a monster.... or a serial killer.
     She furrowed her brows, knowing she needed to warn everyone. Y/N stepped up onto the side of the water fountain, quickly getting most of the towns attention.
     "Everyone! This is the same type of killing that happened to Mr. Henderson's sheep the other night." She gestured towards the red haired man holding his family close to his side. "Now... there's been an attack on someone in the village... Clearly... this is no accident... so either... we have a monster..." Gasps sounded through the crowd. "Or... one of us... is the murderer." The crowd erupted into sounds of panic and worrying, the doctor afraid she had made the wrong choice in announcing this.
      "From the tracks near Mr. Henderson's farm shows it's a whole new species of wolf... but this? This... isn't on accident." She gestured to the revolting body..... she couldn't even tell who it was. "So.... don't let your children go astray, keep a weary eye and get into your homes early." She instructed, taking a great leadership role...
     A short, chubby man with a monocle and graying blonde hair  hoisted himself up onto the waterfall beside Y/N. The town mayor... though smart, was admittedly a coward, but was appointed by the royals like all other mayors had been. "Y-yes! I-I-I th-think Miss L/N's a-advice is q-quite adequate!" The mayor stuttered... the poor chap had an awful stutter when nervous... and he looked quite sick at the moment.
     The four guards that protected their village arrived quickly, gesturing for the two of them to get down as they removed the body... later finding that it was one of the older women of the village, currently carrying... a baby. Her family was devastated by the news... and had no idea about her disappearance before they woke up that morning, and headed to the town square because of the commotion while looking for her.
Once the body was removed, the day had been quiet, yet filled with tension and fear... She walked to her home right as the sun started to set... thinking back to the body... and... the talon marks... that were on the sides.
She gulped. This... was a terribly strange weapon... something deep inside the doctor... told her... that it wasn't a weapon.

She simply shook her head... trying to get the fears of today... but what had been left on her doorstep didn't let her.

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