Town Square Fairs

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    She poured the dark colored tea into a jar, screwing on the cap, before picking up some herbs tied in a cloth.
    "Here you are, Mrs. Anderson." Y/N said sweetly to the woman, handing the jar of reishi tea and herbs to her.
     "Oh thank you Miss L/N, your so kind... I've been terrified for little Edward and his cold... he's always had such a hard time with sicknesses." The mother frantically explained, the h/c simply listening to her with a calm smile.
    "Of course, that should help him... make sure to sprinkle the medicine in warm soup, bone broth would best for him to be eating, with veggies too." She explained, just doing her job.
    The exchange was finished with Y/N getting her pay and a very relived goodbye... happy that she had helped another person in her village. They all meant so much to her, as it was a small town where everyone knew everyone.

      She grabbed her satchel, wearing a cooler dress, as the weather had already started to get warmer.  She looked over to the door of her shop as she heard a knock, smiling as she saw the red headed beauty of her friend: Clarice. "Come on, Y/N! You know how fast Mr. Peters runs out of those delicious pastries!" She exclaimed, her Irish decent giving her a thick accent as she linked arms with the h/c.
     "Oh you and your pastries!" She giggled in response, linking arms with her friend, leaving through the front door of her shop, locking it behind her. Y/N was just going to take a small break with Clarice for lunch, and get straight back to her work like she always had.
    "You could use a pastry! With all that work, you deserve it!~" Clarice snickered, hurrying down to the marketplace, pulling Y/N with her, she had always been a strong girl from all the farm work she did.
    "Hehe, finnneeeee, but only if Mr. Peters has those raspberry tarts." Y/N replied, having to run to keep up with her friends long legs... did she mention Clarice was also tall? If it was appropriate, Y/N might suggest the girl be a royal guard or captain..... unfortunately this time did not allow for women to do such things, though unfair.
      The two girls made their way down to the market, which was not far, Y/N's clinic was just closer to the end of the town. Stalls were lined up in the main square, the occasional foreign trader setting up a small shop while they took a pitstop, everyone else regular sellers. The normal goods and finery were sold as always, Clarice going straight to one stand, the bakers stand, all kinds of yummy pastries and breaded foods laid out.
     "Oh ho, good to see you, Clarice~" The round bellied man, known as Mr. Peters, greeted the fiery haired woman. "Hello, Mr. Peters~" Clarice replied respectfully with a delighted smile.
      "Let me guess, Apple fritters?" The man smiled, then pointed to Y/N. "And... let me remember... raspberry tart?" He questioned, before the h/c nodded with a polite smile.
     He started grabbing the goods from his cart, wrapping the deserts up nicely, before handing it to the girls.
     "On the house ladies, I know you work hard Clarice, and Y/N, you work wonders for our town." The man gave a warm, happy smile.
    "Thank you so much, sir, I'll be sure to repay you~" Y/N replied sweetly, Mr. Peters shaking his head. "Oh no, just repay me by helping the people, like you always do." He chuckled heartily... the two girls waving as they were off,  sitting at the fountain in the middle of town square.
The girls took happy bites of their desserts, Clarice finishing much faster. On her last bite, the girl flinched at a voice calling across the square.
"Clarice!" A very tall, strong man called to his daughter, sharing her fiery red hair in his long beard and tied back hair. She immediately got up with concern. "Yes? Is everything alright?" Clarice asked worriedly, Y/N getting up with her. Clarice's father shook his head. "No, no something got into the sheep pen... almost all of them are dead, only a few lambs are left..." Her father explained hurriedly.
"Oh... no... those damn wolves..." Clarice muttered.
"No, not wolves my girl, something else, I've never seen anything like it." The red haired man looked to Y/N. "I don't know anyone smarter than you... can you come look at them? Tell me what animal it is... because it's... gruesome..." Clarice's father shivered, Y/N nodded. Being a doctor, Y/N had to know what animal bites belonged to what so she could treat her patient correctly. "Of course I can..." She smiled and nodded, hurrying off with the father and daughter to their farm.

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