The Clearing

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      (Pssst, your guy's size difference in the picture above!)

    It had been a week since her last encounter with the thing. She was in need of more herbs... especially ones that should be in full bloom now that it's spring... plants she's been completely out of since winter... she nervously played with her dress as she realized she'd have to get more marigold at that log which was a bit deeper in the woods... as well as the small sprouts she saw growing under the wood for other medicinal plants... she really had to go... or people would die in the winter because of her.
She grabbed all her courage, and her basket... and decided to go... hopefully the thing would have just left, as it had been given a harsh no... hopefully it'll just go look for a mate somewhere else.... I mean, it had listened to her; which had surprised her.
    She hadn't said anything to the guards that night... even if they were conducting a full examination of the murder... so the suspicion of a killer was still there... but she was too scared to say that it was the beast... she felt they wouldn't believe her... hopefully, if it stops killing, then the threat will slowly fade...
    The doctor shook her head, just continuing her path to the rotting log in the clearing, sunny rays coming through the leaves of the trees... it had considerably warmed up.
   The whole time she had been weary, looking everywhere, making sure it wasn't around... and in her luck, it was not.
    Finally, she had made it to the little clearing, getting on her knees as she picked the now grown flowers and herbs, hurrying as she didn't feel safe... all remnants of safety were gone with the low, heavy breathing she recognized so distinctly.
    Her head snapped up, seeing the creature at the edge of the clearing, slowly stepping into the bright morning light, making its fur look almost like a deep blue.
    It looked....... happy. The big creature, almost like a big happy dog, hurried over, and laid down on the grass in front of her.
   "Came back for me!" It chirped... and even if it couldn't make expressions, it looked happy, especially when it rolled onto its back.
    Y/N slowly cringed... at least it didn't look like it wanted to eat her, that didn't make her not afraid, or not hate it. "No, I didn't, I came for the plants and that's it." She replied. "Now go find your mate somewhere else and stop terrorizing my people." She replied with distaste for it. The moment she said this, it rolled back on its stomach, looking at her with a whine.
    "No come back for me?"
     "No. Never." She replied harshly, standing up... she was stopped when it carefully pinched the bottom of her dress with its claws, gentle as to not rip her clothing. "No go..." It whined again, looking like a puppy instead of a monster.
    "I have to go." She replied, tugging her dress away, before being stopped again by one of its claws looping around her ankle.
     "Want more present? Make more mating gift... not impressed? I impress." It begged in a way... it wanted the pretty pretty human as its mate... she made it happy when it just looked at her... and she smelt so good... it wanted her so badly...
      "No! Your presents kill people, it's awful!" She snapped, causing its ears to fold, before it got on all fours... now towering over her. "Wait." It ordered, before running off into the forest... Y/N blinked as it had left so abruptly... she didn't leave though... afraid it may get mad if she leaves.
    Very quickly it came back, lowering itself in front of her... She narrowed her eyes.. realizing there was a petal sticking out of its mouth... her question was quickly answered when it opened its mouth... and flowers came flooding out... all types of wildflower.... covered in drool- She fluttered her lashes... watching as it spat out some more flowers and petals that were stuck in the back of its mouth.
    "Likes flower? Come pick flower, get flower for you." It explained with awful English and pronunciation, Y/N somewhat understanding.
   "I..." She trailed off... sighing... it really just... liked her, obviously... but she couldn't get over the death of that woman and the morbid display of it all. "I do like the flowers..." Maybe she could encourage it to do nice things like this and not eat people...
    The monster was very happy, and licked its jaws happily, making a joyful growl. "Good, glad like flowers... remind me of flower..." It rested it's giant head by her feet, looking like it had been relieved it accomplished that. "Small, pretty." It breathed through its nose... Y/N slowly gulped... before sitting down beside it... she's gotta coax it to be like this... and not harm her village.
   "Thank you..." She said softly.. It almost seemed to be smiling at her thanks, it's tail wagging slowly behind it.

"Be mate now?"

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