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   She slowly shook her head to the question, earning a whine. "But you said you liked!" It seemed so confused by her refusal.
    "Because... I'm not like you... I don't mate... I don't need a mate... I like my village... maybe one day I'll get married, but not to you..." She explained... it growled slowly.
    "No." It growled lowly, causing Y/N to flinch in fear. "No?" She questioned, now afraid.
    "No. Will fight whoever try to take, if he win... he get you... if not... I get you." It grumbled, wanting a fight for dominance for its female.
   "No! That's not how people work, we don't fight for love!" She was annoyed that it didn't understand, and it was annoyed that this was so confusing!
   "Mmmnghh... then love me..." It growled, placing its head in her lap, somewhat crushing her legs from the weight-
   "That's not how it works..." She mumbled.
   "Then make work..." It growled lowly, licking her leg sloppily for no reason, making the doctor cringe.
     "I can't... I just can't... maybe if you continue being nice... and not hurting or killing anyone in the village... then maybe I'll give you a chance." She huffed, leaning back on her hands... accidentally placing one on a sharp rock. With a gasp, she flinched her hand away, seeing she had cut it.
    "I help I help..." The creature's eyes thinned from the smell of blood. Before Y/N could say no, a long tongue had already wrapped around her palm, licking the blood away. She did not fail to notice the waterfalls of drool now coming out of the sides of its mouth.... it couldn't help it... the taste of her was amazing.
   Reluctantly, it eventually stopped as she pulled her hand away, completely covered in its spit... She cringed.
    "I have to go..." She needed to disinfect this fast... she had no idea what was in its mouth...
    It whined. "But... but helped!" It again was confused.
     "I have to go home and fix this." She moved its head, standing up, and pointing to the slice in her hand that was aching dully... she noticed... that the blood seemed to be clotting already... which is strange... as she hasn't put any pressure on it.
    "But heals!" It gave a dog cry... whimpering and placing its head down. She rolled her eyes, such a baby.
     "I'll see you tonight..." She sighed, starting to walk away... but the promise of getting to see her again kept the beast excited all day.

     The doctor was left dumbfounded... it was now the evening, and the young woman had taken the cloth with the mixture she had slathered on, off her hand... to find the cut almost entirely healed... theres no way those herbs could have done that that fast.... it had to have been... it's spit.
    Her lashes fluttered... it's spit has a healing factor! And it's a very fast healing factor!
    She quickly grabbed one of her jars, grabbing her coat, and hurrying out of her house with a lantern so she could see, as it was almost dark.
    Y/N hurried through the now dark and somewhat chilly woods, finding her way to the clearing, where the moon now lit it up.
    "Uhm..." It didn't have a name. "Creature? Beast? Thing?" She called... before seeing to white eyes peer at her from the darkness... and finally it's body crawl into the moonlight.
     "Came back~" It said happily, laying on the ground in front of her.
     "I did, and look!" She showed her hand excitedly... showing how it was almost healed... she wondered if she hadn't wiped and washed it off... if it would've worked better.
     "Told you, heal." It replied calmly, breathing deeply, taking in her wonderful scent. She sat down near it, like this morning.
     "Can I have more?" She asked, it tilted its head.
     "Hurt again?" It asked. She shook her head.
     "No, I'd like to use it on other patients..."
     "Then no." It replied simply, she blinked, actually kinda surprised.
      "Why? This could save so many people.." She was now the one begging a little, it seemed a bit smug because of that fact.
       "Because. Only want heal you... heal mate... only you deserve." It replied with a huff...
       "Then, I guess I should get homeee..." She sighed all dramatic, starting to get up like she was gonna leave, before- "No! No! Give spit, give spit... stay... stay..." It immediately said in a complete panic, she laughed softly, and sat back down. "Well alright, if you insist~" She hummed... but it was completely mesmerized... her laugh made its chest all warm... it liked that sound a lot... like a lot a lot... it needs to make her do that more.
     She opened the jar, placing it in front of it. The creature understood, and shoved its tongue inside the jar, getting spit inside. "I'd like it if you could get it at least half full... I've seen you drool like crazy, I know you can." She asked... it nodded a bit... before having to focus.
     The creature wanted to fill the jar all the way up, to impress her.... so it had to focus... it stared at her, breathing deeply... inhaling her flowery, fertile scent.... drool started to run down its tongue... but it wanted to go faster... so... it had to think about some other things.
     It thought deeply about how she'd taste... ripping into her flesh... snapping her in half... eating her organs... these thoughts made it salivate like crazy... but it felt ashamed it could even think that way about its mate... so it changed the topic, thinking about what she'd look like when they mated... when they made puppies...
     It's breathing became hot and heavy at these thoughts, feeling sweaty under its fur as it flexed its claws in the soil... literally fantasizing about the doctor right in front of her.
    "Uhm- you can stop now-" She said awkwardly, the jar was literally overfilling... and she didn't like the... weird look it was giving her as it stared... ngh. She took the jar away, and it lazily dragged its tongue out, lapping up the drool on its skeletal muzzle.
     "What's your name?" She asked, screwing on the cap.
       "No name." It replied, it's barely even seen its mother, so it had no name..
       "Well I have to call you something... how about... I just call you 'N'... that'll be your name." She suggested, it's ears perked up, seemingly excited about being named as it nodded.

"N... likes name..."

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