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The day had gone on as usual, nothing out of place or odd... other than the town square meeting which had been called this evening. A small podium had been set up beside the water fountain on a raised platform, the square lit up by torches. The mayor stepped up onto the platform.. then onto a small step stool to reach the podium as he was quite short, the entire village waiting in a crowd of utter silence... eager to hear the news on the murder.... Y/N feeling... slightly ashamed she knew the problem to it and had stayed quiet.
"As you all know... a week ago and some time, we had lost a caring mother... Evana Williams to a gruesome murder, one we have not closed yet... but... we have... leads." The mayor cleared his throat nervously. "Y/N L/N is our prime suspect to the murder." The mayor looked to the girl standing at the back of the crowd, her e/c eyes widening exponentially. What?!
           The young woman was immediately grabbed by the shoulders by two of the town guards, getting dragged to the podium. "But I've done nothing wrong! You have no proof!" She yelled, confusion filling her mind as she was held in place, looking down to the crowd... getting harsh looks, cold glares and disgusted gazes... almost half of them being patients she had cured, treated or given remedies too... almost immediately turning their backs on her. There was a sense of betrayal inside the doctor.
"Miss L/N... we do have proof..." The mayor said woefully with a gulp. "Some of the villagers... have seen you on occasions walking out into the woods, specifically last night... we have also found specs of old blood on your doorstep... Miss L-L/N... all leads... lead to you..." He explained, Y/N shook her head violently. "No! There's no way! It... it..." There was a part of her that... simply couldn't sell out the creature... something that didn't sit right in her in seeing the members of this village chase after it with pitchforks and fires... when it had only expected to see her this night. "It must have been a monster! The tracks from the sheep farm!-" She kept her answer as vague as it had been the day of the murder, when she hadn't even known N existed.
"I say a witch!" A senile old woman yelled from the crowd. "She speaks of monsters! We all saw what was in that body! Things only this... this... sorceress of darkness keeps in her home!" She shouted, people slowly starting to agree as Y/N watched in horror as they turned on her.
"She killed her father!"
Tears pooled in her eyes... how... how could... they be so cruel? Her breath latched in her throat. "The punishment shall be decided b-by the p-people!" The mayor announced... and though Y/N could tell there was no want to kill her or anyone in this man... she felt deeply betrayed by him too.
The crowd was in anger and fury... demanding execution... "Execution by g-guillotine will be enacted... t-tomorrow morning, at sunrise!" The tears spilled from her eyes as the announcement was made.. the deal dealt... there was no going back.
She would die tomorrow morning.
Y/N was hauled from the podium... locking eyes with a certain red head... Clarice... Her friend nor her friends family cheered, they simply had the same look Y/N did, clearly not agreeing with the trial.... Yet the same feeling of heavy betrayal was set in her heart for them too. They had not spoken up on her behalf... they had not said a word. And with that...the doctor slid her watery eyes away from them as she was hauled to the jail... only to be thrown into a dark, cold cell, to wait for the morning sun no longer to signal the warmth of the day, but to signal her death.
She curled into a ball on the cobblestone, weeping into her hands... shivering heavily, finding herself missing N's warmth... the thing that had in result brought this whole situation in the first place. A weak, depressed laugh came from her. "H-heh... you were right... you did keep me warm..." She croaked almost silently, not able to cry anymore, as the time had to be somewhere close or after the witching hour.
      As if it had been a prayer to god.... a loud screeching sound came from the bars of the cell, her eyes widened and couldn't see into the pitch black... the faint moonlight only highlighting more black... but... glowing white eyes came from the dark... eyes she knew well now....
      "N." She whispered...
      "Y/N... they... want to kill you....  cant... cant let kill you... won't let kill you." It croaked from the darkness she stared wide eyed into.
       "What in the hell!?" The sound of a man, metal clanking and the warm glow of fire shone down the hall.... the guards.
        Y/N could now see its extended, sharp hand. "Come... N will save... I will... save you, Y/N... promise..." It begged, talking quickly... She hesitated... betrayal and fear in her heart from the same people she had lived with all her life.... she placed her much smaller hand in the creatures... before being quickly yanked into it... its hand secure on her back as she held onto its fur... the sounds of yells came from her hallway, her eyes squeezed shut as tears dripped down her face.
      A snarl and a scream was heard... it was obvious her N was.... killing... the guards, it's body pivoting quickly as she was held. The situation was chaotic, especially since her eyes were closed... but she did not dare open them.
    A gust of cold night wind hit her, and she recognized they were now outside... the emergency bell booming across the the village... the sounds of doors and screams being heard. "Hold very tight.." It said quietly... Y/N nodded and gripping tighter... Slowly, she peaked from the fur... to see many of her village members staring at the beast in fear, torches and weapons in their hands.
    "Witch! I told you! Witch!" The senile old woman who had condemned her pointed and screamed. "Kill her and her abomination of darkness!" The old lady's voice cracked by how loud she was yelling... the village members listening, now moving in.
     "No... I'm not a witch..." Y/N whispered weakly, so quiet that no one could hear... A loud and terrifying growl rose from N's chest, so violently it shook Y/N.... and with that... it took off... bounding away from the village people... it did not want to slaughter these people in front of Y/N... nor would fighting with her in its arm be easy... so it decided to run... there was no point to the blood shed anyways...
     The young doctor shook lightly from the cold of the wind... it was... insanely fast... it was bounding through the woods so fast you might think you were flying... especially when it'd hook an arm onto a tree branch and launch itself forward...
    "Where are we going...?" The young woman whispered meekly.

      "To our new home."

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